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thales milesius

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Image Comments posted by thales milesius

    Pescador de playa

    At some point we should agree that we, as net users, use to spend more time watching online pictures than printed photos, and that in that realm, digital pictures are to be seen without frames. Sometimes the frame has a reason, and sometimes it is just distracting -like in this case- where there are more pixels used to paint the black frame than those needed to show the image. Should the picture had been in full size, the beauty of its composition and contrast would have shown more appealing.

    False Pregnancy


    A snapshot of our little Pekinese, doing the mom's thing in the

    middle of the living, although she was just with canine false

    pregnancy. I like her eyes. The camera's fill-flash was used, and the

    shadows under the cushion were high-keyed a little bit in PS in order

    to show some detail. At first I thought of to crop some of the

    coach's cushions, but I opted to not to as I also wanted to tell

    where exactly we made a "lair" for her. :)

  1. Jean Paul, I don't believe André wanted to be rude with your work. On the contrary.

    You must be proud to have scored with this one shot from your very entrance. :)

    About the background, I don't think it needs to be downgraded by any means. In my opinion it doesn't disturb but instead it provides a hint and the mood for how we must interpret the body language of the models. It's a quite necessary part of the whole

    From now on, should I need to explain how true tenderness and wild passion are the same thing, I'll point to this picture. Good thing you've decided to shared it.

    Sacred stuff


    This is another one of the series I'm currently uploading about MP.

    Once again, they are mainly for people involved with this subject in

    one way or another, in terms of photography. Comments are always


    Daisy Freight


    I like the style of this one, derived from its color palette. The composition is almost perfect and the posture of the model goes with it, as it balances the large undetailed right area of the photograph and even supports the picture's aspect ratio.

    The lighting is fine as it hides in shadows some not neccessary lousy details like the dirty wall. Unless that one plays a role in the picture (which I wouldn't buy), it's ok to remain hidden.

    And last, the pixel size hasn't been adjusted, while this scene could benefit from a better image definition. Nikkors are great lenses, but the moment you downsize an image in any image processor, you must expect looses in the overall definition due to the new pixels size. You need to correct that by applying an unsharp mask.

  2. Michael I agree to you on the lack of color of the sky. That is a result of the position of the sun, more than the existence of those clouds. Nothing, not even a polarizer filter could've improved that, as that one works in skies that are opposed to the sun, which is not the case.

    Brendan, I do have many other angles or perspectives of this place in particular, but I chose this one to publish. I doesn't look like a snapshot to me.

    Thanks for you comments.

  3. This is how MP streets looks like when the sun rises over the near

    mountains, around seven o'clock. These streets (indeed inner passages

    of a large palace), normally aren't part of a regular tour journey.

    You have to look for them by your own. Comments appreciated.

  4. Gracias Angel y Alberto por sus comentarios.

    Alberto, there's another hint on the scale of MP here. If you carefully look at the Huayna Picchu summit in this photo (large pic) you'll notice a house-like construction near the top, without its roof. More precisely in the left side, on top of a large shadow. Well, you can take a closer look to the scale of that summit by going to this other picture (link). I hope you'll enjoy it.

  5. Thanks Sarah, Linda and Guillermo.

    Linda I'm glad every time I get to know of the international appreciation of our culture. Certainly we owe Hiram Bingham for sharing this place to the world, but as a peruvian I'd try to convince you to align to us in our struggle to have those objects back to Peru. :)

    You know, Machu Picchu doesn't have a site museum. Why? Because all objects found there at the excavations were carried to Yale University. Not just a few pottery pieces, not just a few bonies, but all of them. They can't sustain anymore that we can't take care of them, so why don't they return them to us? Hope you are on our side. :)

    Here's more info on the subject

  6. A very interesting composition, things are happening at various levels. The revealing of different layers of background is also good, as that suggest a hierarchy to read the whole in a rather smooth way. The colors are also fine, and goes perfectly well one to each other, but maybe, Antonio, just maybe, you have downgraded the levels to limits from were you force people to ask for the real colors. The photograph is underexposed, so you won't get more detail out of the darkest areas, but you do can reduce the reds instead.

    A great picture.

  7. Thanks Daniel. Actually there are a few other enjoying issues regarding this place that aren't in this picture, and that is that you need to pass by several rooms of a distant (to tour journeys) big house in order to get there. As tourists don't go, that gave my staying there an extra good feeling, because as MP is usually full of people at that hour of the day, this place instead can make you feel like if you were the owner of the abyss. :)
  8. This is another shot, part of a series of pictures that I will post about Machu Picchu. Like everyone who has visited it I'm still impressed for how many beautiful sights that citadel has, especially those who are close to the almost vertical walls of the mountain.

    With this one I wanted you to imagine how does it feel to be there. Comments appreciated.

  9. Thank you, Pinina. Recently a girl friend of mine made me notice the fist as a sign of being stubborn. Then I had to explain her that the couch was extremely soft, and he just felt like he needed to tense his arm in order to be straight. And many people of his age just can't do that without closing the hand. My mistake, I'm afraid, but on the other hand I like how that goes with the quality of his smile.
  10. Martin I'm so used to see him like that that I just didn't notice the reflection factor. I'll take it into account for any future snapshot.

    Thanks, Mike. He happens to be essentially a happy and superwise priest. But in this shot we (his family) had to amuse him a little bit. :)

  11. Thank you all for your comments.

    By the way Peter, I missed the pictures of your girlfriend, those that you included in your forum thread on last Christmas. They were amusing and remarkable. Hope you repost them any day soon.

    Tiffany, Chris, I think the same on the effect of the blur, though it wasn't pursued at the moment of the shot.

    Alec, yes there's this contrast between blur and sharpness and I like how that in my opinion helps to separate her from the whole and make her the main subject, actually without taking her out of the place, as a flashlight would've done.

  12. Rick your suggestion of merging both images sounds fine. I didn't thought on that one.

    Sarah I'm happy that you've had a memorable staying in Peru. :) You know, tourists in Cusco are "merged" with the urban landscape, and it's also true that that city is in many aspects more cosmopolitan than Lima precisely due to them.

    Thanks for stepping by.


  13. You're right Michael. More sky detail would've been better. Unfortunately in this the first of the two days I was in MP, there were those clouds that covered it like a roof up to some extent, although without hiding the sun.

    Thanks for your comment.

  14. Jack I also believe that the shadows balances the composition, thanks Simanta for your point of view.

    Mike, that rythm is an architecture's attribute. You can see it everywhere in Machu Picchu and particularly in one place near the path to Huayna Picchu where a large ceremonial carved rock mimics exaclty the profile of the mountains behind it, at several miles of distance.

    Jacques, this shot was taken in last November so yes, I was lucky because it was already rains season, and although the clouds were there in the early morning disturbing most of all possible MP's angles, the afternoon used to be clear and bright. So this one was possible because I decided to miss a train. :) The absolute best moment for taking pictures there is around May and June.

    Sarah, thanks for stepping by.

  15. I posted this picture with the idea to share this unusual view of

    Huayna Picchu mountain to people interested in Machu Picchu, Peru's

    most famous attraction. Hence this picture that tries to provide both

    a glimpse of the crazy inca constructions on the way to the top, and

    also an idea of the scale. If you look at the large version of this

    photograph you'll notice some human figures on the top. Comments are


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