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Image Comments posted by tedrttr

  1. The sky has no detail and is overexposed, I can tell by the reflection in the water that the sky has more detail than the film recorded, this is a difficult lighting situation but it can be overcome somewhat by using a graduated ND filter.


    It's a very nice photo, great lighting technique, and very simple in it's composition, I can't find anything wrong with it, believe me, I tried.
  2. It's a nice picture of a cat but if you had not told us she was watching birds there is no way anybody would know what she was watching, so that becomes irrelevant,but still a nice picture. It would have been better if more of the right eye was showing or not at all, either way.



    I think a little more depth of focus would help, notice that everything but the small child is out of focus, unless this was deliberate for some reason.

    fixed and cropped

    It's a nice photo but the boats are a little far away and there is a little too much water in the foreground, I keep thinking that this image would have looked better in black and white.
  3. To answer your question; no, it's a little better than the average tourist snapshot and it shows that you have given some thought before you took the picture. If it wasn't for the little red boat the picture would have much less impact and I think you did well to include it to break up the monotony of the photo.
  4. The tree on the left is too dark and a little fill flash may have helped to use it as a framing device or maybe it should have been left out altogether with more sky and clouds in the photo. I know it leans to the left, this is caused by perspective distortion common to all cameras except those that have perspective control lenses. The tower seems to be straight on one side and leaning on the other, try to equalize the leaning effect and it will improve the photo when taking pictures of tall buildings.
  5. I agree with the other comment, try to keep the horizon level, a common mistake, I constantly have to remind miself to do it. Once you get in the habit of looking at the horizon in pictures like this you'll make much better pictures.
  6. Chris, sunset photos need lots of color, and that, I think, it's what is lacking here, unless the sky is a nice orange or red with some clouds maybe, it's really not a good sunset photo. Maybe you waited too long, I don't know, the sun seems to have disappeared below the horizon for too long and that's why all the dark areas.


    I don't see anything that could improve your photo from a technical standpoint, I think you did very well with exposure and sharpness, what more can I say, it's just a very nice photo something you might see in a calender or travel brochure.

    Owens Valley


    Very Nice, as a landscape photographer I can appreciate this photo, I have been to the area many times in the last three years(Bishop, Lone Pine etc.) and the eastern Sierras have become my favorite place to go to enjoy nature and take photographs. Please visit my folder.

  7. The way to improve photos like this is to take them a little bit earlier before the sky is totally black this will give you a little more detail in the buildings, look at the building on the left there is nothing but lights, and the shape of the building is invisible, also if you take the picture at dusk there will be a tonal quality to the sky that is different from the structures and the surrounding area, as you can see here just about anything that is not lit up is totally black, and use a tripod, I assume you did here but you did not give shutter speed and f-stop numbers, so I don't know, I hope these suggestions helped.

    Fall forest

    I like your picture also and the only way that it could be improved is if the dark small tree trunks on the left were not there, otherwise it's perfect.
  8. It's a very nice photo and technically very good, but I think that the way you could have improved the photo is to include the top half of the image and have it reflect into the water, reflections are just not as good unless both elements are viewable, that's just my opinion.


    Fuzzy objects in the background are acceptable in most cases, fuzzy objects in the foreground, like the white object here are totally unacceptable and distracting from the whole picture.
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