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Image Comments posted by tim_franklin


    I disagree with Magnus. The contrast between light and dark areas can lend great strength to a picture (or painting). In this case there is again no discernable subject to focus upon, and the light quality by itself is insufficient to make up for this.
  1. Can I ask why you took this scene? There is some interest in the light to an extent, but in the picture itself nothing is of sufficient note to detain the eye. As seen this is just a snapshot. Sorry to sound harsh. I've taken just as many mediocre shots but would not waste time putting those up here.
  2. Hi,


    Good Points: Nice composition, the eye is led into the shot.

    Weaknesses: Yes, the picture quality is lacking. It is muddy, and I'm sure could be improved. I don't like the car in background-a hideous eyesore. The person walking on the path should I think either have been excluded, or you should have waited until they were a bit closer (thereby making more of a feature).

  3. Hi,


    I do agree with most of what Carl has already said above. I think it worth adding that a cleaner background would have improved the picture. As it is, the back is cluttered and confused, which does tend to distract the eye. You should take a look at books on flower photography (by Clive Nicols, Heather Angel etc), and at calendar shots. These will give ideas as to what works and what may not. Keep up the good work though.

  4. Sorry, but Gerry has just about said it all. One final thing though- if you're going to do a "product shot" make sure the name of the product is in focus (unless striving after an effect). The "M" of Marlboro is NOT in focus.
  5. I like this. As another comment says, its not an original idea but nicely done.

    The only real criticism I can make is that the shot would be better with brighter light on the colourful area to really bring it out, but hey, I don't know the site and maybe those conditions don't happen there?

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