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Image Comments posted by chris_sheppard

    The First Smile

    Great work - this candid shot really captures something about your son. I can offer only one piece of constructive criticism: off-camera flash. The flash on your camera is good for some situations, but is not really suited to portraiture. Several companies make reasonably-priced flash heads that can be mounted on a tripod and triggered by an infrared or radio transmitter that goes on your hot-shoe. Try one of these with the head tilted up 45 degrees toward the ceiling and positioned about 45 degrees relative to the line between your son and the lens. This might give more depth to the portraits. Also, you may want to invest in a true telephoto lens - something like a fixed 80mm or 105 lens - these tend to be higher quality optics than the zooms (they also have wider maximum apertures - good for depth-of-field/low-light). Other than that, excellent photo and keep up the good shooting. Oh, PS- try a 'pro' film like Fuji NPS or NPH. They are more expensive, and you won't find them at Walmart (try a pro-shop) - but they render color far better than consumer films like the fuji 200.
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