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Posts posted by chet_provoda

  1. Jork-

    My auto tubes didn't come with a manual either, but what I can tell you is that mechanically they mount the same way the lens does. Just line up the red dots to mount, and depress the silver button to release. You can stack them in any combination. To mount the lens just line up the lens' red dot with the black screw to the right (viewed from top) of the silver button. If you don't have the TTL meter then you need to calculate the change in exposure based on the increased distance from the film plane. You can find more on this in the "Kodak Professional Photographer's Handbook". Hope this helps.





  2. Hi. My P67 has always done this. As far as I can tell it's never been indicative of any type of mechanical problem. One thing to watch out for is that eventually the clutch mechanism wears out. You'll know when it happens because you'll start to get overlapping frames. It's easily remedied with an overhaul. Good luck and enjoy the camera!





  3. Hi. I might be way off base here, but given my experience with the P67's film advance I wouldn't advise removing those "nib thingys" (or whatever they're called!). My somewhat limited experience tells me that maintaining proper tension between the left and right spools is critical for accurate framing. In removing those "nibs", I would assume that this tension would be lost. You might also check out earlier postings on the problems people have had (including myself) with the P67's film advance, which at least in my case was due to sloppy loading technique resulting in loss of tension.









  4. I'd like to amend my earlier response to this question, regarding the uneven spacing. I've discovered through trial and error (and through reading this among other postings!) that the problem I was having with spacing was probably due to me rather than the camera. I followed someone's advice (sorry, but I've forgotten who) and maintained tension on the full roll during the loading process, something I was never careful about beforehand. I'm no longer having spacing problems. In short, I'm even happier with my Pentax than I was before.
  5. So far I've had two problems with a quite old P67 that I bought used. One was a light leak and the other was irregular frame spacing. After an overhaul the light leak was gone, but still had irregular spacing. After a second repair (clutch mechanism cleaned and lubed), I'm still getting irregular spacing. Other than that the camera has worked perfectly!
  6. Several months ago my Pentax 6x7 had two problems. One was a vertically oriented light leak. The other was that two frames would randomly overlap (by ~2cm), with irregular spacing between the rest. A reputable shop in Boston recommended an overhaul, which I had them do. Shot a test roll, everything looked great. Put the camera away for several months, shot a roll, and two pictures overlapped with irregular spacing between rest. Shot two more rolls, this time VERY slowly and evenly advancing the film. No overlap here, but in each roll two pictures were close together (~1mm), plus irregular spacing. Am I missing something here? Anybody else come across this? Thanks in advance for your help.
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