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Posts posted by hynde

  1. I also noted the same thing <a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=008ljs">here</a>. The 'show all member photos' works well if you have only a few pictures but I think it is very inpractical if you have a lot of photos (more than a few dozen) and the only way to introduce them to a nonsigned / new random web user is with a single huge page. Just

    try it with, for example <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/member-photos?include=all&user_id=439405">Stephen Hickel</a>'s portfolio and wait a few hours to load all 1800+ thumbnails. I think the old member's folder summary is an essential feature that should be available to everyone to see. Brian, please bring it back!

  2. A problem with the new member page: If you look at any member page (look at any photo and click on 'photographer') when not signed in, you now only see the portrait picture and the 'member since ...' line. It doesn't show the folder list (Gallery Photos) any more (doesnt show the three newest photos or ratings statistics either). I think at least folder list should be shown to nonsigned/registed viewers too. I hope this is a bug instead of a feature...
  3. Did you note that the image comes from thumbs.photo.net

    (, but the ident request comes from different address ( = photo.net)? So possibly the request is not coming from squid itself but from the host it is caching/proxying for? Are they different machines or one with multiple interfaces or ip-aliases? I use squid just as a personal proxy/cache with pretty much the default settings (I'm using redhat9's squid-2.5.STABLE1-3.9.i386.rpm).

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