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Image Comments posted by mark_thomas3

  1. A tribute to Harold Cazneaux's photo from the 1930's 'Spirit of

    Endurance'. The tree is still clinging to life, despite harsh

    conditions and flood washaways. In fact while the crown of this

    beautiful tree is suffering badly, new re-growth has changed the

    trunk's appearance significantly.

  2. Yes, Tony, it feels great when you finally decide to 'come out'. And it is not just w-a-l-k, it is also l-e-a-s-h, c-a-r, d-r-i-v-e, and worst of all... n-e-k-c-i-h-c and e-t-a-l-o-c-o-h-c*.


    (Those last two I have to do backwards, even, otherwise he just goes ballistic.)


    Anyway, back to this icon of our time.. Has anyone else noticed the repeating shapes here? You need to zoom in *really* close - in fact I use special NASA-designed software for the purpose (follow the links from the main Nasa homepage). But once there, you will clearly see that the caravan tailights=Clifford Ears (horizontal), 4WD tailights=ditto (vertical) and the roadside stones=Clifford Eyes.. Go on, look reeallly close.


    So, digital manipulation? I think NOT. A higher power is at work here, methinks..





    *Small children are warned that deciphering this word and feeding it to your dog can in fact be fatal unless it is special 'doggy ---------'.

  3. For just a moment I thought you were onto something, Mary. I mean there has to be a reason why there are some folk who just don't seem to get this masterpiece. But I am in fact a partial protanope - and yet I was gobsmacked from the moment I saw this. Even my dog, who some are cruelly claiming to have very limited color vision, went into raptures when he saw it. The only other time he does this is when I say the 'w-a-l-k' word.

    Anyway, Snoop (no relation to Nathanael) would also like to offer this image, rendered appropriately but inadequately, merely as an homage to the Master. It shows him in my car, with a pleading look - he wants a Spinak print for his kennel.

    Lawrence, Snoop and I are in awe.

  4. ..don't forget to end your italics.. :)

    I would perhaps have shifted the view a little to remove the distracting change in the horizon (the bit right next to the furthest, top bolt) and to include more of the end of the spar. And if you had the opportunity, waiting for a nicer (or nastier!) sky, along with a little polarisation would help..

    But don't get me wrong - overall it's a really nice shot and the converging lines work well.



    Interesting, but doesn't grab me. I've been trying to work out what it is that displeases me here - and several things come to mind:

    - I don't think the color helps - would prefer either softer or b&w

    - the glass is sooo clean and new looking, but the frame suggests it should be very old

    - the forehead problem, along with the unfortunate shadow that appears to be a huge hairdo!

    - I agree that this is not the right model for the shot, and she looks too heavily made up.

    but I do like the idea.. :)

    "An Old Smile"

    Apart from the nose shadow problem, this type of shot would benefit from you getting much closer, or using a longer lens/larger aperture to get rid of the distracting background.


    Very nice. Would prefer the figure to be a little more off-centre - moving forward would have allowed you to pan left a little, which would also have removed distracting dark area inside stone fence.. And the little palm frond (?) at top left needs to go! But otherwise it is a nice use of panoramic format.
  5. Superb.


    But about that copyright message - it is hard to judge an image with that thing plastered over it.. So, let go of your babies! I believe once you post on the web, you should be prepared to accept the inevitable, and just keep vigilant. If your image is that good, folk will recognise it and tell you eventually.. Did you lose any money to the people who were using it without permission?


    Even though my images aren't in your league, I've had a few of mine used without permission, and they were either taken down or given appropriate recognition/links when I questioned them. I take it as flattery! :)


    PS To answer Rob's question below, a good place to start is Google's image search.

    Dreamy Dolphin

    Beautiful, evocative image, and the second dolphin shape was the first thing that attracted my eye. Fluke or not (sorry about the obscure pun), I know how hard it is to get a good dolphin shot. Only criticisms - lousy scan (streaks at bottom) and maybe a tiny bit more room at the bottom for his nose would be good..
  6. These are all very nice captures, but I can't help thinking that you have a bit too much flash fill going on. In this one I would prefer to see a little less contrast between the bird and the background. In the others, the flash often removes the natural shadows and leaves the image looking a little fake, hence the PS accusations!


    I'm sure others may disagree, but I would be dropping the flash back at least half a stop, or in this case lifting the background by that or a bit more.

  7. This is a classic.


    But I can't help imagining you throwing lots of dogs into the air until you got it just right!




    PS the quality does detract a little, but at least you got this..


    Disagree about the crop - I would rather see her legs than his ear..! The technical details indicate it is actually a poster he is looking at? - that would explain the 'depth of field' and the strange markings/reflections on her legs which also detract for me..
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