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Image Comments posted by tbonemah



    I think it's a strong and emotionally impactful photo.
    The point that I would like to add is that the awkwardness of the composition is infact congruent with the awkwardness of being displaced, lost or disenfranchised. In this context, the composition contributes perfectly to the theme conveyed. Moving an element here or there or changing its tonality may make for a technically more balanced and pleasing general composition, but it would not be as effective in delivering the message. Being balanced and pleased is not what this photo is about.
    Appreciate your work greatly - keep it up.


  1. Although it is humorous and I laughed out loud when I saw your "idiot on cellphone" comment, you have to admit that he actually really completes the composition of this shot. 

    Perhaps also it hints thematically that the church, in all it's history, spectacle and grandeur, is meant to serve the common man.  

    Just a thought - great shot...makes me want to go to Rome.


    Baby Macaw


    Crazy yet beautiful abstract. In many ways it seems like a still-life, and yet it is of course, real life. I had no idea that eye(s) and eyelid(s) could look like this close up. Thanks for sharing this and...welcome back Laura




    The parts of this image which I feel are working well are: -Her hair colour contrasted with the colour of her top. - The tilt of her head and other diagonal lines add interest.


    I saw your photoshopped version and I think it is an improvement to delete the background. An improvement yet again would be to set her against complimentary backgrounds when you are shooting her.


    A bit of of advice for a beginner? Ok. Shoot a tonne of frames...and only show your very very best. Easy eh? I hope you see these comments as a contribution. Happy Shooting!







    Convey's her dream state very well and looks like a dream from the viewer's point of view as well. This is an example where covering her necklace with her hair actually helps the shot succeed. Usually it works the other way around! Congratulations!

    Colleen 4389


    It really has that "person in their element' look with the colours and how relaxed she is. This is also an excellent example of how a top button done up but under a little bit of tension can be much more enticing than the same button undone. Just my opinion. Great work!




    Excellent in all dimensions. Demonstrates that there is no need for heavy handed editing when you put the elements together with care when shooting.





    What I appreciate most about this image is that there is a lot of realism and yet also a lot of abstraction - and all accomplished without any interventionist digital editing! Initally I was a little put off by including the plant but after a short while I realized that it does contribute to the image. Awesome.


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