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Posts posted by robert_james2

  1. I just need to replace ink for my basic office use Epson C84, and at

    one time I know I saw a site that has a very good reputation for

    having inks that won't screw up your printer. The also have a

    constant flow system or something like that.


    They had some imported inks for lesser quality printers that they

    say won't harm the printers. Has anyone experienced this?



  2. Do they or is it just the majority of users (myslef included) can't

    get it to work well. The problem that I see all the time is that

    when you get the skin tones right they don't mesh with the

    other "Memory Colors" like grass or trees (mainly greens) They start

    looking acidic or like dying grass. Films handle it much better in

    my experience. My work flow is shooting, usually in cloudy mode if

    I'm outdoors (I work fast and don't want to take a white card reading

    for each shot - isn't that a ridiculous practice if you don't have to

    with film - it's like taking a step backwards to when you had to use

    a handheld light meter for every shot as well) and then I do some

    adjustments, and send them to my lab. My lab works in SRGB so i do

    as well, and I used a kit to get my screen close, but they do final

    adjustments and send it to the fuji frontier (I belive) with no

    profiling. Even if I don't do adjustments and just let them handle

    it (emittting possible errors there) The memory colors still don't

    meld. Is there a way around this?? Also I shoot (currently with a

    10D in SRGB) But I've seen it happen with other photographers

    shooting Nikon fuji and anything else.

  3. I had to questions about using a sto fen like cap on the front of the

    flash (540ez). Will this take away some light power, so that I can

    shoot at wider apertures up close, than I could with it off? Will it

    still expose completely ok?


    also, does angling it up 45 degrees really do anything to soften the

    light on peoples faces?? You see PJ's doing this all the time at say

    the presidential address etc. I can't belive this would do much and

    I guess I just need to try and see, but any advice?


    Thats about it.

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