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Image Comments posted by joel_faitsch

  1. Oh wow, man!  Far out!!  (Sorry, in my astonishment and delight I suddenly revert to quotations from the ancient philosophers).

    I never wanted to dress up and attend a costume party before I saw this picture.  If this catches on, Halloween will acquire a different flavor.

    Fiery Beach

    I REALLY like this pattern. It looks like something a very good illustrator might do. A whole folder of these would be welcome. Could you tell us where this was taken. I wouldn't blame you for keeping it a secret.
  2. I see now what's going on. the moon is, as Mr. Rychlik says AFTER the full by two days. The right side of the moon is disappearing in darkness as it makes its two week journey toward the region of the rising sun. This pictured moon would set at or after sunrise- thus the sky color.(But there are many deep night moonlit pictures which look, at first glance, to be daylit because of a long exposure). I guess that the startling thing about this picture is, how the exposures taken when the sky was black, stand out against the lighter morning sky. It looks like the moon is coming down. I'll upload a diagram that I THINK pictures the situation. Thanks Mr. Rychlik for a very thought provoking photograph.

  3. In the northern hemisphere, the moon moves at the pictured angle, only when it is setting, thus this would have to be a pre-sunrise scenario. The way the plane of the moon's orbit differs from that of the sun might make a setting 100%full moon possible with that dawn light(we'd have to get an astronomer's opinion). If this were a day after the full moon,(which LOOKS full)that would do. The idea of this picture is fascinating. I like the attempt. Perhaps a slight orange color on the moons would help
  4. Yes folks, I grew up in Connecticut, and I can say, this is a typical Connecticutite's(or is it Connecticutonian's?)sense of humor- oh, there ARE some there with NO sense of humor... (They're probably plotting against us right now)(or is it Connecticutaniac?)


    Perhaps... if the lower part were cropped, leaving the dark track leading into the light? I'm going to try and upload a cropped version(I've never done it before). I hope you're not annoyed with someone messing around with your work.
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