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Image Comments posted by jean_berthe

    Aspen Gold


    I like this point of vue... from a very small critter!


    I usually carry a small tarp when I walk about the great outdoors, just in case I see something this striking. Nothing is perfect until it has been perfected by man. I do appreciate every little parts of this picture: the shadow, the brown patch on the tree, everything!


    I would not hesitate to stick a framed 24X36 on my wall... just love everything about this picture:)







    When I first saw this picture yestersday, I thought: Wow, great timing!!!. Then on my big PC/monitor I began to doubt if it is a picture or a drawing. Then I just read that I am not alone with this thought

    Even at the smallest video resolution on my biggest monitor, people, water, waves, shadows, all look really like pencil drawing. I know that small jpeg cannot render justice to the original scan but


    So, I really like the IMAGE (not important if photo or not). BW works very well with lots of negative (or positive white) space. It is simple, geometrically pleasing and the scene tell tons of stories.


    Well deserving of POW (or Image Of the Week).

  1. KISS


    I dont understand why a story is required to value an image. This picture has some graphical quality that are pleasing: simple, light (not heavy), graphical image. A journalistic picture without a story has no value, but this picture has no journalistic pretension


    To me, this image has good balance (light, crop, strait lines and curved), composition which are pleasing to my eyes. An other example where simplicity wins.

  2. Great shot, great presentation, great portfolio... Congratulation for POW. It is well deserved for such great work.


    It is just as great that the Elves departed from their usual selection criteria. I can't remember the last time that a picture of an insect won POW.


    Mark, thanks to you, I will walk about Nature with a new outlook...

    Boys in Blue/Yellow


    I really love this picture. For me, the location of the feet does not matter, as they complement the converging line of the bottom of the wall. Like Mary Ball, I just love that painterly feeling of this picture. Those colors are sooo intense. You were lucky to capture such an opportunistic moment.


    This picture is really worth all the praise it can get. Now if our country was just as colorful I still have some exploration to do in my own backyard

    Dancing Girl


    Personally, art wise, I cherish any/every picture taken as being an original. Some originals ring my bell more than others. Some of my pictures ring my bell more than others. However, they are all originals and all should be cherished. The camera captured a moment that would have been different from a camera located somewhere else. Thats why they are all originals.


    That said, I like the B&W selection because it is capable to leave out any color from staging lights, which would have been distracting in this context. I do not find the picture too grainy, as it remained soft enough for a portrait usage. The hand cropping problem, reported by others, may result by the fact that this does not look like a deliberate controlled shot but rather an opportunistic live shot, where the photographer is at the mercy of what people do. I can live with that. And I can appreciate the effort required for the photographer.


    For all that, I like the kind of discussions and observations that this picture is generating.


    Congratulation on being selected for POW.


    J. Berthe

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