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Image Comments posted by brad_lowe1


    This is fabulous Eri, it's as if he's turning his back to the light, which probably has deep philosophical meanings or something. I'd consider cloning out the round object (light?) in the dark side, other than that it's perfect. With the jacket and the stance he looks like Paul Weller.


    Hi Randy. I think you've got a really good eye here, it's a unique composition and it took me a while to figure out what it is. My suggestion is to crop the left of the frame to cut off hand-rail on the top floor(?), I think it would work best with the repeating lines of each floor. Just a suggestion anway and goodluck with the new camera.

    Leaves #1

    While I think that the composition is not quite there, it is still very nice and the exposure is lovely. I attempted a shot like this, albeit not as successfully, you can see it in my single photos folder. Nicely done.

    Vegas Nude 1

    I really like the backdrop, and it might be a bit cliched but I would like to see more of the model's profile too. The sky background makes this shot.

    One of Many...

    I too like this one the best in this folder because on their own the hydrants can be a bit boring, but with the people in the background of this shot it adds another dimension. Keep it up.
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