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Image Comments posted by michael_makarewicz

  1. At a first glance i didn't liked the picture. My attention was "jumping" between the persons without any order searching for "the message". The man in the centre obviously grabs the attention of the viewer but not enough to stop for a while.

    Then i read the title. This cleared everything and gave proper roles to the persons, which were otherwise ambiguous (the roles). I like the composition and the perfect moment selection. I would try to dodge the window, it is too distracting, but otherwise responsible for fine bride lighting.

  2. I like pictures of "mechanical/technical" objects very much, and can fully understand photographer's fascination but this picture lacks the idea. There is no appealing harmony or "order" in this pile of metal. The viewer skips form one detail to another without any guidance. Consider this: What is the subject in this picture? What feeling wanted you to transfer to the viewer?
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