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Image Comments posted by bb1

  1. I would have given the top flower a bit more space in the black between your subject and the background. While the way it is now it gives a nice line between them-- giving more separation would really strengthen the division. IMHO I think this would have given more interest to the subject. I would also comment on the lighting of the secondary subject (the right tulip). It seems to be rather shadowed and though it is backlit I do not see this working like it does for the other. I think having a bit of light reflected up on the right flower would have made it more interesting as the front shadow seems a bit too strong for me.
  2. Being under water that is a fish. A goby of some kind, maybe a blenny but probably a goby. I am not too versed in all the gobies and blennies. in a print version of this you can see the fish very clearly which I think adds to the texture. Thanks for commenting.
  3. Now here again, I have taken some liberty with your photo, made it B&W and gave it some personality with contrast. I wasn't much impressed with the colours of this phot but what I was impressed with were teh textures of the rock face and clouds. The little bit of tree the is peaking in from the left was easy enough to fix, and then it was just a matter of removing some of the trees that weren't doing much-- using the dynamic tree on the left as the parsley and blow the contrast up. Some will complain its too contrasty, but thats okay I have seen their stuff and find it boring and flat. Contrast is good. I like this photo. Good work. B&W is good for the soul.

  4. Commenting here about the cropping would be a bit redundent, but I will agree. Im not too worried about the bottome edge being a touch out of focus. I don't find it distracting at all, nor that fatal of a problem. The colours, the texture all work and work together wonderfully.

    Might have a look at it in B&W with the contrst kicked up a bit. Something different-- Im a little partial to B&W but its all good.



    I took this photo back when I was in 8th grade or so. I should reshoot it so the shadow doesn't fall on the poor bug that was very flat when we found him. I just need to find another good subject.
  5. I took your comments into consideration and cropped this photo as a square. I don't know which I like better. The square is more dramatic but I think the rectangle has some good points to it too-- such that it gives the eye more room to move into the subject. Im a big fan of full framed, very tight cropping and it this case I can again agree with your suggestion and also can argue that it is good the way it is.




    Thanks for the real comments. I appreciate people who actually give good constructive comments.

    I agreed with you the photo should be displayed as a vertical. The unsharpness I think comes from the scan. I scanned a matte photo which Im sure didn't help things, but I ran it through PS6's unsharp mask and it cleared it up somewhat.

    Thanks for the comments.


    I think if your intent was a picture of the parliment building in the back then yes it is too clustered. I think if that is just another part of the photo I think it has some nice things going for it. I like the people talking-- they seem more interesting than the background. It has nice texture to it that I like. Not too bad a photo.

    Egg in heaven

    It really grabs your attention. I opened your folder to see what there was to see and the egg just jumped at me. Very well done-- and on top of that a double exp. Much more impressive than a PhotoShop job.


    Love the pic. Only thought I had is you might want to invest in a coking grad. fog filter. They can really add some mood to your shots. Gives them a kind of eerie feeling to them. Just a suggestion to add a little something extra to your shot.
  6. Im with Andy and Robert-- its an interesting subject you just need to take a different angle on the barn. Being from Iowa Im with you and old barns are great subjects but you need to show their character. Showing the weathered wood, chipped paint, missing boards really brings out the picture.
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