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Image Comments posted by larry_kim3

  1. Its thumbnail picture looks confused, no attraction for me at all. I guess I would never have opened it if it hadn't been chosen as POW. Its full-sized picture reveals neither technical skills nor artistic charm. The perspective is trivial, the framing and the lighting are in a mess. Frankly speaking, this is no more than a mediocre photo for my taste as it sometimes happened to the POW. I doubt how much we can learn from such a POW.



    I must have seen this shot in the same portfolio while commenting and rating the other shot illumination last November. For me the latter looked and looks more striking, has more impact (I would crop off the window though).


    The little boy's arms are probably as interesting as the little girl's face. but, the whole composition and the whole light effects of this shot are not so successful: The distance between the two children is too small; it doesnt look good that the clock on the wall hangs directly above the boys head; the glare (from the reflection?) is distracting; the radiation of the sunlight is not very effective. All these are merely my critiques on this shot as a high standard POW, though I do enjoy it as a wonderful candid shot.

    Three Poles

    At the first look, it seemed to be a badly converted digital B/W shot, typically for the digital cameras. While looking at it carefully, I was able to tell a thoughtful composition in this simple shot with interesting details. However, for me, this photo is not so perfect as the elves meant that I would hang it on my wall. I appreciate the modesty of the photographer shown above anyway.
  2. Thanks for your comment, Daniel. I cropped the original photo so tightly because I wanted to move the small foot a bit more in the middle point just as the title suggests. Yes, the other cropping (almost the original photo format) is not bad at all, maybe even better for some (or for most?) viewers.


    Patrick, I have just seen your comment that explained my original consideration to crop this photo. Thanks!

  3. Sorry, Im getting off the actual topic of this thread and referring to some messages above.


    I watched that bad theater in Julias threads, and Im tired of hearing the dubious argument of Tony's ratings abuse from Julia.


    Many of you may have the same experience as me: I have never got a 1/1 rating from an ordinary member with higher-than-average photos in his/her portfolio, but only from those fake members with 0 photo or dummy photos. We all understand why and know exactly that no one would be so idiotic to rate photos of others with 1/1 on the one hand, and to present his/her best photos for photo critique on the other hand. Gentlemen, please dont pretend to be so naive and overlook the fact that Julia was No 1 at the time during Tony wanted she slip down to No 200. Thanks!

  4. I first thought with this POW we would have got a neutral image for the mass on this site at last. But, an average rating of 7/6.61, and so extensive critiques covering almost every fields? Hmmmm, the deal with POW really makes fun.

    Trees in Snow

    Im afraid I would have been dazzled while seeing this scene with my eyes.-) Striking (shadow) patterns. This is a high key shot with fine details. Very well seen and captured.
  5. This is a fantastic picture, very well seen (really not posed?) and captured. The lighting and the exposure are optimal.


    Regarding centered position, for me it's a minor point. You may want to crop the wall on th right to get a 3:4 format instead of current 2:3. Such a format is not unusual for a portrait.

    At Dawn

    Thanks for the reasonable suggestion, Jeffrey! Actually, I once considered to choose the square-format to keep only the most intersting right part (maybe you prefer the left side?). Finally, I decided to leave it as it was taken because I like the small waves on the left.
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