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Posts posted by bob___

  1. Thanks for the replys thus far. However, I would hope that we could keep this thread opened a bit longer to hear from others of you with actual "hands on" experience with this lens. I recently purchased the 5T and 6T close up filters. This is my first experience in the macro field. After having a few prints developed( used the 6T), I think I might just be hooked on this kind of work. Razor sharp results; at least to my standards. But always looking to hear from others for improvement. So please continue commenting. Thanks so much.
  2. I would like to hear from anyone who has begun using the new Nikon 70-300 zoom for any kind of nature work. How does this compare with the older version 75-300? Does the quality in this new lens seem to be a step up over the other or not? The 75-300 had a good reputation for Macro work when coupled with a 6T close-up lens. How does the newer model fare in this department? Would appreciate hear of your experiences. Thanks
  3. AMEN to the original question. I suppose that if one is real creative, they are never at a lose for a subject. However, I am not one of those and sympathize with the "winter browns". I now live in Nebraska, and am very hard-pressed for much of any outdoor shooting activity. There is one (and only one) bright spot in all of this colorlessness, and that is, for a few weeks in early (starting now), Nebraska is the heart of the flyway. So if one is patient enough, it is really worth the wait. Other than that, I'm not convinced that there's a whole lot more.
  4. I have a chance to acquire a Nikkor 75-300mm f4.5-5.6 AF lens. As I have seen very little written about this particular lens, I am led to think that it is either pretty good (seldom listed in classifieds) or rather lousy(with no one caring much about it). How might it compare to the Nikkor 70-210mm f4-5.6D? And, especially, how does it perform nearer the 300mm range. I am considering it for nature and non-close up wildlife subjects. I would like to hear from anyone with hands-on experience with this lens. Thanks a bunch.
  5. In scanning the many responses concerning 400-500mm telephoto lenses when used in nature photography, I only seem to see the Sigma 400mm mentioned more than any other 3rd party lens. I recently acquired a Tokina 400mm f5.6 SD ATX (for Nikon) and, after reading the many comments, am beginning to feel that I may have made a mistake. Do I have something that has passed it's prime? Where does this particular lens rate as compared to the "apparently much more popular" Sigma version of the same kind? I still have time to change before a majoe Yellowstone venture in a few months. Thanks much.
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