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Image Comments posted by brian_clark

  1. It seems every time I check in on the POW all I see is people asking "Why this one?" .. Why not. Everyone has their own little area of work that they especially like, and tend to shoot pictures that suit their own tastes. I know I do .. now if someone was to pay me to take pictures to suit their tastes I might do that but they aren't so I don't. So everyone has their own assortment of photographs in their portfolio of scenes they love and think are absolutely excellent, and this other picture that they don't care for gets picked. I guess it's only natural to think "That's it? My pics are so much better!" Just look through the critique board, you'll no doubt see someone resubmitting something for critique with "I can't believe you guys only rated this X/X!!! Here's why I think you are all wrong." To that person their picture probably is excellent. Doesn't mean it is to others. This picture I quite like, I think it's well above average and is definetly deserving of POW. Would a front lit view with the subject off center look better? I don't think so. I have no formal training though and every time I hear a rule like the 2/3 rule I cringe .. dammit, I'm going to frame my pictures the way they look good to me, not some rule. Perhaps that means my pictures won't look good to those who care about such issues, but I'm taking them for me and not them. :)

    Belly Kiss

    Hey! Someone else uses The Gimp! :) (Actually I haven't tried it out on any photos yet but I use it for everything else...) The black and white for the skin is pretty cool looking..
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