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Posts posted by kwaidan8

  1. Hi! I got back the film and everything was fine as far as folding! I showed it to the lady and she said everything was ok. I think the camera folded it nicely and the time I spent trying to stick it didn't affect it because the paper layer was protecting it.

    There are other issues like black spots and marks especially on the first negatives, but I think this is because the camera needs to be cleaned and the seals and foam are breaking and have to be replaced. 

  2. BTW I realize you'll be saying just wait for the results, maybe everything is perfect - the thing is I will bring it to a lab to develop and it will take 3-4 days before I get the results, and I need to bring the camera back to the store next week - so if there will likely be light leaks due to my poor handling of the film, and they may not be discernible against camera leaks, I'd love to know it now so that I can buy and shoot another film and bring them both as soon as possible to the lab.

  3. Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and I hope this is the right topic. So, I'm not a beginner in analog photography, but I have shot only on 35 film so far. I bought a Mamiya 645 last week and just finished shooting my first film, which is supposed to be a test to check if everything works properly, or I will ask the store to fix any possible issue when I go back there next week (there are some seals that are breaking and some dirt over the mirror and focusing screen)

    Since it was my first time using a MF and unloading a 120mm film, I thought it would be similar to a 35 film and I did everything while watching a YT tutorial. Only at the end of the video the guy in the tutorial said this should be done in very low light and that not tightening the film properly could cause light leaks in the film!
    So the unloading process took maybe 1 minute while I was trying to understand where the sticky part of the paper he was talking about was. I was at home with a very dim lamp, so it was not a bright light, but still there was some light and my computer screen in front of me. And I sticked the end of the film, but I didn't tighten it very much before doing so, like I am now seeing is usually advised to do. I then put the film in a box, and in a bag.

    So my questions:

    - is this ok for unloading or did I likely cause significant light leaks that could mess up the whole purpose of this test film? Should I shoot another test film and be more careful unloading it very quickly and in an almost dark place?
    - will this kind of light leak be recognizable from a leak in the camera or other camera related issues? 
    - should I now take the film out of the box, unstick the label, tighten the roll, stick it again and put it back again or will it be ok as it is? I didn't notice anything strange, it wasn't visibly loose for sure, but I didn't pay this extra attention at tightening it as much as possible.

    Also the guy from the store had loaded the film showing me how to do it in the light of the shop... Was it ok to do? 

    Thank you so much in advance!


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