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T. R. Tinker

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Posts posted by T. R. Tinker

  1. 6 hours ago, satya_v_rao said:

    Thank you for your valuable comments. Appreciate your kind observation. Now on, these points will help me while taking pictures on street and sudden events. 

    You're welcome - and if I were to simplify my comment, I'd have left it at "the background detracts from the subject(s)".  Seeing beyond the subject to what's in the background was one of the harder things I had to learn when I started taking candid photographs, and the landfill is littered with the Kodak film prints I threw out.  But I didn't throw them all away because some were good to keep around to remind me of my mistakes.

  2. The arcade windows could have been centered to draw more attention to them and the shadows, and less attention to the buildings on the left side of the picture, but that's a personal preference.


  3. The editing at the bottom, to extend the picture, is obvious.  You might want to work on post-processing.

    I'm in the middle of framing pictures for display, and I agree the wings are too close to the top - they'd be either cut off by the fame or way too close to it.

    Good, sharp focus, 'though, and an interesting subject.

  4. He's requesting critique(s) so he can improve his technique and composition, don't you think?

    I wouldn't cull this photo if for no other reason than it might evoke a pleasant memory, but the composition isn't very good.

    The background is much too cluttered and very distracting.  If there had been an opportunity to capture a less cluttered background by moving to one side or the other, it would have helped.  Most of the dancers are obscured by other dancers, which also might have been helped by moving off at an angle to whee you were standing.  The clothing the dancers are wearing is unremarkable, the lighting isn't good, and the moment captured in time doesn't create an emotional response.

    I'm not sure I would have taken this picture unless I knew someone amongst the dancers; there's not a lot going for it, but it wouldn't be an automatic cull if I'd taken it. 

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