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© Copyright Doug Burgess

Colleen # 4092




© Copyright Doug Burgess

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This picture is fine as it is, in my opinion. but it offers a few other

cropping alternatives. Would you prefer the dark, massive leading lines

of the fence in this horizontal version, or would you crop it vertically?

Does it bother you that the top of Colleen's head is clipped off?

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New model, new look and style, pretty too. Two quick observations, Doug. The fence boards seem a bit too dark - aesthetically nice but unnatural because of expectations from time of day. The other is the bit of post protruding above Colleen's shoulder.
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good points, Mike. I think I can bring out detail in the wood if I try harder. I noticed before posting that, in the jpg, it was absolutely black, but when you mentioned it, I went back to the original file and saw some detail that I think I can use. I'm not so bothered by the shoulder post, but I think you're right that if it's gone, it will lead to Colleen's face all the more stronger. Thanks for your insights.
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Ahh.. you posted a critique request. I like this horizontal version and the "massive leading lines", and the clipping of the top looks fine; the alternative would have been more "headroom" that would have altered the composition significantly, I think.


Was the fence painted black, Doug? Seems odd that there would be little detail in the original.

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yes, it's a black fence. they're pretty common around here: horse fences. The black is more tar, than paint, I guess to prevent the fence from rotting. Kind of like what you put on asphalt driveways.


The original had detail, just not much. You'll see. The grain is visible. It all got lost in scrinting, though, and I didn't pay any attention to it until reading your comment.


. The light is coming from the other side of the fence, though, so it's logically black. The light on Colleen's fantastic face comes from a couple of reflectors, one on the left, the other beneath (her left elbow had to be reconstructed because the one underneath was in the crop). You might be able to see from the post on the left hand side how the light is falling, and how we were shooting on the shadow side of the fence.

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Yes, I did notice the light (and how well it was controlled) but wasn't sure how you did it. I gather you had an assistant. Viewers will tend to take great lighting for granted, as I did, and not appreciate how it adds to shadow details like around her left neckline, under the collar, and forehead under the hair. Nice. That leaves the black fence which is unfortunate. I think it's a bit overpowering. Or maybe I just haven't arrived at the point of considering complementary compositional elements which is admittedly difficult.
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Doug, maybe my objection to the black fence is accentuated by the brown/gray thing at the left end. It looks like the next fence post but probably isn't. Then there's a bit of (what looks like) reflections off the boards behind Colleen that isn't helping - I'm left wondering what that is, and a casual glance will almost make it appear as if a sloppy Photoshop job which I know isn't.
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I can fix it, though. There's enough detail in the original that it will look better. Ansel Adams himself would be impressed! ok, well maybe not, but it will be a little better, I think.


Right, I had two assistants, actually my two daughters. Without their help, I'd be seriously handicapped, and this shot would suck big time.

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That's the fence post I was talking about in another post and it might be better cropped out. Knowing it's a fence post, I kind of like it because it provides a stopping point and keeps me in the frame, and provides a bit of context, as well. That must be a nail on the top. I should remove it. The post is not an issue if cropped vertically.
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Mike, I'm not sure what "reflections off the boards behind Colleen" is referring to, but she does have a slight halo from a poor vignette. I'll fix that, too.
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the crop looks ok, but it presents a big hole on the right that might need some filling in. I'll post some of those permutations.
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By the way, Doug, I think it's wonderful that you involve your girls as assistants. It'll no doubt impact their lives beyond developing an interest in photography; the idea of spending quality time with the old man is, well, priceless. :-) Not to mention keeping Dad inline... in the company of pretty girls...
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haha, very funny :-)


I've loaded a revision over the original, and an inline post with some of the various crops I thought about. Mostly, just different formats: 2:3, 5:7, 3:2, 4:5 etc.

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Geez, I like them all. I guess that's a sign that the diagonal fence in the original frame works. I also prefer the recovered wood grain, instead of solid black.
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I like it too. thanks for catching it, and thanks for pointing it out.


I mis-remembered something further up there. This wasn't lit with two reflectors. There was a gold reflector near her waist, bouncing up, and then there was a diffusion disk right above the reflector. Both were to the camera right. The camera was just beneath the diffusion disk.

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Nice discussion about the crop. I like a version with more cropped of the left a little and focus more on the model. She is pretty and I like serious expression and that would be highlighted more with a crop. Great light and tones to BTW. All the best!
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