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© Copyright 2005 Larry McGarity



Canon 300D with 300mm f4L IS and Canon 1.4 TC - Exposure 1/800 sec at f5.6


© Copyright 2005 Larry McGarity

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Top right of the photo has too much dead space. Highlights are washed out. Subject is not defined. Is it the birds or is it the fog?
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I am not trying to be a smart ass but the only way I can answer your question is to say it is what it is. If the photograph doesn't speak for itself there is nothing I can say that will make a difference.


Thanks for taking the time to comment.

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Nice shot -- I think your exposure is right on (and this is a very difficult lighting situation). I might crop a bit off the top and a bit more off the right side. The birds seem to be just a little soft; sometimes it's hard to focus in this kind of light.
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Thank you Stephen. I processed this and posted it over my lunch hour. Maybe I shouldn't have been in such a rush because I am thinking you may be right about the crop.


Re the focus, the birds were focus and but the mist in front of them gives an impression of softness. That and the small size image. Its a shame we can't afford to post full size photos because at full resolution the geese appear quite sharp. In fact they look sharper in the larger size image on photo.net than they do at the default view.


Thanks again. I do appreciate your comments and input.

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I wouldn't mind a little cropped off the top and side, although it's a shame to lose that striped water. This is surreal, it's so lovely! Where are you getting all the mist? Is that common every year?
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This time of year mist seems to rise from any standing body of water around daybreak. At least around here it does. And we have bodies of water a batch nearby. There are lots of lakes and ponds. I think its because the air temperature is cooler than the water. Whatever the reason it provides some interesting possibilities for experimentation.
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Great shot Larry!


I like the framing as it is, the dark in the top balances the light in the bottom, not a dead space. Blown highlights are a problem but I suppose the high contrast of the scene make this shot an exposure challenge, I like your decision. I see clearly the ducks and their placement combined with such a beautiful golden light make it an outstanding photo.


Congratulations, your photos have great passion, I enjoy following your work.

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Thank you very much Dimitris. Shooting into a rising sun with shadowed areas in the frame is a bit tricky. This turned out pretty much the way I envisioned it. Granted there is a very hot highlight between the two birds but I knew that was going to be the case when I clicked the shutter. There are no absolutes in photography and rules are made to be broken on occasion. As a matter of fact the most interesting images can be those that violate the photographic ten commandments.


Thats a fancy way of saying I am happy with this shot. :))

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"The most interesting images can be those that violate the photographic ten commandments". Larry, you wrote a very interesting phrase under a very interesting photo! Really fancy! ;-)
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Larry -- don't crop a thing!! I absolutely love this, and the black space top and to the right doesn't bother me at all - it gives everything a feeling of space and leaves the ducks lower in the frame. This is just quite simply - Gorgeous. My only nit is the glare just to the right of the left duck, and a slight tweak in PS could tone that down, but it's not enough of a nit to seriously bother me.
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A few days after I posted this, I experimented a little and couldn't find a crop that I liked as well as the uncropped version. So I am in agreement with you. Thanks for taking time to comment. I appreciate it.
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