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Jumbo Hefty


Canon 300D with EF 300mm f4L IS with Canon 1.4 TC - - Exposure 1/160 sec at f8

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Very impressive work. The subject is strong. The lighting is ideal. The composition is well-balanced and the background is nice touch. The sharpness is good too. The only improvement I can think about is move the bird a little bit to the right. This is great example to combine the bird with the landscape.
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What do you do, put food on that log every day?? That must be a popular spot! Same location, different bird...and I love your title, too. This fellow looks like he could hardly get off the ground. Another beautiful capture; I especially like how he seems to be looking at you while ruffling his feathers, and the detail like the lines of the water.
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Thank you Curt. Thats a very nice critique.


Pnina. Thank you very much. I sincerely appreciate your comments.


Thank you Kim. The big logs in the background have been in the pond for a long time. But the one this guy was standing on is a new addition. I don't know who put it there but the birds seem to approve. I am grateful for it. Since it showed up I have gotten several photos I am pleased with.


This guy does look like he would have trouble getting into the air. I captured him launching off of that log but he only went about 10 feet and settled into the water. In that image everything is sharp except him. Unfortunately there was just too much motion blur.



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