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Tombstone in Greenlawn Cemetary, Columbus, OH


~ F8 @ 1/25. Developer: ID-11, 6:15 @ 70 degrees. Available light.

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After working through dozens of typical technical difficulties in

the field and in the darkroom, here's my first relatively smooth

negative. Thanks for your comments/suggestions.

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I can see how this shot might be challenging. There is a long tonal range between the dark grass and the lighter parts of the headstone; and you want to retain enough detail to see the headstone's texture and to read the inscription.


One aesthetic choice would be to try to bring out more detail in the grass and to lighten the background to the right of the stone. You could do this by increasing exposure (a stop or so should do it) and by retarding development of the negative slightly to keep from blowing out the light parts of the stone to stark white. Another approach would be to lighten the grass with a green filter (if you have one)assuming the grass was green.


You could do some of these things perhaps during the scan capture or in PS post-scan; but even in the digital realm, it's better to start with the best possible negative.


I like the subject and you have done a good job overall. I find old graveyards fascinating repositories of history--for instance, this man's service in WWI. I find myself wanting to know their stories.


Hope this helps. Check out my work also--feedback welcomed.

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