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Cortijo el Cañuelo


Levels, USM and curves adjustments done in PS CS plus the addition of a number of filters to sharpen.

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I do appreciate your constructive critical comments.

This is the third picture of a new folder I am creating with the pictures I took this spring and summer in Andalusia, in southern Spain.

Some of you know that I am, also, documenting the castles of Spain. The pictures taken of Andalusian castles are in my Castle's folder

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Oh, muy buenos contrastes captados en una composicion muy acertada, tan mediterranea. Me gusta el recorte forzado del cielo por la silueta del edificio, haciendo que la mirada viaje hacia el final del camino y quede alla, apreciando los detalles de la casa. Saludos, Sig.
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Muy buena!! Demostrando que se puede hacer una buena foto sin que medie un castillo (Es broma). Saludos.
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Alberto, buena foto pero como tengo que criticar algo y contra gustos no hay nada escrito, yo hubiera suprimido el trozo de carretra que corta un poco la vista. Mas romantico solo el camino de tierra....pero esta es una opinion muy personal de tu alumna. El color del cielo y la luz del sur lo has sabido captar a la perfeccion y el contraste con el campo "agostado" es el toque definitivo que hace de esta foto grande por su simplicidad.
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Thanks, dear Belén, but I have to point out to you that what you take for a road was, in fact, the start of the pathway to the farmhouse.

I composed the picture that way in order to have that path leading "us" to the farm...

I'm sorry to see that I failed in conveying my "message"...


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Claro que puedes criticar mis fotos, faltaria mas!! Yo tb lo hare..... jeje. En esta ocasion estoy totalmente de acuerdo con blanca, pero mas que recorte, hubiera subido la cam y me hubiera apoyado en el cielo un poco mas. Un saludo amigo
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Alberto, esta vez no te voy a decir nada del blurried o desenfocado... la veo genial, que alegria ver los resultados del nuevo scaner! Como te dice los tonos y como coordinan esta genial. Ahora que coincido un poco con Belen, si esa primera parte hubiera sido, no de gravilla, sino como el resto del camino quedaria mejor (entiendo tu idea de conducirnos con el camino). Hiciste la toma dando una importancia exagerada al cielo azul? al estilo minimalista? si hubieras tenido nubes de algodon seria imperdonable no haberlo hecho...
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colores fantasticos, Alberto, pero habria cortado el primer plano que me parece molesta sin dar informaciones...
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Iv'e never been in Andalusia, but the way you do photograph it, it must be wonderful overthere. This is a great example of how beautiful it is overthere. The way the small path is leading the eye in to the scene is lovely. Splendid work. Thanks for taking a look at my first sunset shot Alberto. I was as surprised as you are, that I was able to take shots like that one. Normally I never do such kind of photography, but I was travelling in Alaska with an other photographer last November and he was pointing me on the wonderful sky colors and I was just waiting for something to happen, until this eagle came in. Thanks again, much appreciated....Best regards, Harry
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you just made my day! Such a praise coming from such a great photographer as you are fills me with glee...

And coming to your photography I reccomendo you book a flight to Seville, drive south some 50 kms and spend a week end at Doñana National Park and Byosphere Reserve. I might guess that you already know about it!

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