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© Copyright 2004, All Rights Reserved, John Crosley

Rudeness with panache?


Nikon N90s, 85mm Nikkor f1.8 Kodak Max 400 ISO color negative film. This image is unmanipulated.


© Copyright 2004, All Rights Reserved, John Crosley

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Your task is to separate your feelings about this woman's rude

gesture toward a handicapped individual from the photograph's merits

as a photograph. Please rate this photograph on the basis of

originality and on the basis of aesthetics, keeping in mind that

aesthetics is not always a synonym for "pretty" but also encompasses

visual "impact" as well, and keeping in mind that this "street

photograph" seeks to epitomize and capsulize something that one sees

sometimes on the "street" but is seldom recorded. Did I record it

well, and it the photo worthy as a photo? Your ratings and

critiques are welcome? (Also, does the woman get any points

for "style" in her rude gesture?) (Please try to separate your

emotions on viewing the image from the photo's merits. Please

accompany any harsh or severe ratings with a thoughtful comment to

help me improve my photography). John

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Unfortunately there is no context within the image to explain the gesture, so it looks contrived/posed. Looking at this image one assumes the gesture is made directly at the viewer. I don't appreciate being told to do this first thing in the morning! You have a nice day too!
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John, this image is definitely NOT POSED, for who would arrange to have this gesture aimed at them? This woman's rude gesture was entirely on her own "enterprise", and represents for me the deteriorating civility of the American culture. As to your "morning" the breakfast time for you, is the middle/late afternoon for our friends in Italy and central Europe and dinner time for the Russians and Ukrainians who share our worldwide forum. There is no "proper" time to post a photo to accommodate your breakfast time without upsetting someone else's. (And imagine the photographer's chagrin at viewing this image in real time?--probably far greater than your opening this image this a.m.).
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Your 1/1 rating is usually reserved for photos of black cats in coal mines at night, out of focus. Where is your constructive comment after such a punitive rating? Dare you to produce one justifying such a rating! I don't think you have been an honest rater. John.
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First of all it is a good composition. The woman, the hand, the glare on the car windows all contribute to a feeling of daily commotion. The windows and the car have sandwiched the woman, sort of implying that the gesture is a distance confrontation as if she would not do it if so close by. And now I realize the man walking out on the left for the first time -- that adds to the street feeling.


Secondly colors are rightly there. The background red accentuates the gesture. The car grayish connects the eye with the gesture. Her dress blue makes her stand out.. While I believe that this is no color dependent subject -- the colors have nonetheless helped it in general.


Then again she carries the photo. Rude or not. The banality of the action combined with the look on her face define the mood. She so much resembles a stereotype (even though she might not be one) that would do such a gesture, there is a social content in this as well.

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Your comment about this photograph explains it so well, that I won´t bother trying to add words. You have an amazing ability to ´see´ why I chose particular photographs for display on Photo.net, not because so much their ´shock´ value in some cases where there is some, but for the pure photographic merit. When I saw the first photo I took of this woman as she started her gesture, it was entirely banal and I hardly looked at it. I think, however, Olympic judges might want to rate this second ´bird´ photo for her ´style´, even though it was directed at yours truly, probably. Best Regards, to someone who truly seems to understand my work. (I am hardly moved to post ´shocking´ photos, just good ones, however they might come about, so long as Photo.net provides an honest forum for doing so). John
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Just too funny. If giving the bird were an Olympic event this athelete would win. The artful arch of the neck, the squared off finger extension.
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Rev. Brent, a propos your remarks, it looks like this woman actually trained for the event, perhaps overtime. She seems to have much practice. John (Crosley)
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Let me laught

I've been through your flashing portfolio.

You're a personnage Mr Crosley !!

Sorry I left a comment without any ratings (10/10 is impossible and would have been more about the photographer than this picture)

I guess this fragrant lady also gave you something like 1/1 in this :-) and somehow did you deserved this ? why , please tell us.

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There is a story behind this gesture of course. I was using a cane for my injured leg, back, knees, and feet and bought a piece of pizza in a crowded pizza restaurant. This woman had staked out one of only few crowded booths in a by the slice pizza restaurant and spread her things out all over the booth, saving it for 20 minutes when it was chock full of patrons with hot slices. She had nothing to eat and was spread eagled over the booth alone. Hot pizza in my hand, I stood in front of the booth, balancing on my cane, and quietly asked her if I could sit down, where doing such is the common way of sharing. She refused. I stood there in front of her table, balanced on my cane, eating my slice. When I left to my car, parked in a handicapped zone, I told her that she was rude. This was her response, to me in my car in the handicapped zone. John (you decide whether I deserved it, I just considered the source, and also took her photo, which she seemed to relish, as though it were an achievement.) jc
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Basically... apologies, but what a bitch! I'm glad you took this photo John as I meet duplicates of her everyday. While i'm on the train, there's always one. While driving, there's always one. While i'm in Hungy Jacks, there's always one. This shot is an excellent symbol of what some people are like and damn you must have been quick getting your camera out, or does she just walk around like this all day?!
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Actually, I got two photographs of her, one as she wound up her 'bird', a photograph not to show anyone at all as it had no photographic merit, but then she really got into it, and went the 'whole Monty' or whatever it is that's the 'bird' equivalent of all out, and arched her back and gave it to me full blast. So, how do you mean 'what a bitch?', anyway Phil? Seems I was quick enough, anyway, but this female of the species telegraphed her move, I think, if she gave me time to take TWO photographs. John.
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On reviewing your remark, maybe that's a triple entendre, with three meanings possible from your remark, Phil. John.
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Thanks for the :D I hope my French was accurate. I missed your remark on my comments list. Nice to see you were snooping in my folder. Guess you brought your snorkel. John
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