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Saline di Cagliari

Nikon D200 , Nikkor12-24mm, f/8, 1/329sec, ISO200 ,polarizing filter

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In the late spring and in summer the waters of the Saline turn taking

on a reddish color. When the salt concentration increases the water

can take on a reddish color. This phenomenon is due to the presence of

microorganisms of red color , the Dunaliella salina and a small

crustacean , Artemia salina able to live in these hypersaline

environments , which gives this variable with the density and color

ranges from pale pink to brick red .

The biomass that blooms in the salt marshes is the first link in the

food chain of these environments they depend on the brine shrimp and


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The reddish tint in this water body contrasts vividly with the deep blue sky(polarized?)and makes for a pretty impressive scene.The walkway is a neat artifice to grab the attention and lead the eyes through the spectrum of colors.Excellent image my friend!

Meilleures salutations-Laurent

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Very interesting information, nice presentation like a bridge that lead to paradise on the other side. TFS!

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Ho fatto anch'io molte foto alle saline, un soggetto che mi piace, ma non conosco questo punto preciso. Presumo sia a Macchiareddu. Il contrasto cromatico è indubbiamente molto attrraente (suppongo abbia un po' spinto la saturazione... (:-). Quella cosa strana che sembra un tarmpolino spezza l'uniformità dell'immagine e guida l'occhio in lontananza. Hai gestito bene la luce forte.

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