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Rarindra, this is strange and beautiful (Who would spit on a chicken?) So crisp and lovely, though. I am still very curious about your post processing with many of your photos. I would so like to see an original file to see how much different the light is. Cheers.
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Please note the following:

  • This image has been selected for discussion. It is not necessarily the "best" picture the Elves have seen this week, nor is it a contest.
  • Discussion of photo.net policy, including the choice of Photograph of the Week should not take place here, but in the Help & Questions Forum.
  • The About Photograph of the Week page tells you more about this feature of photo.net.
  • Before writing a contribution to this thread, please consider our reason for having this forum: to help people learn about photography. Visitors have browsed the gallery, found a few striking images and want to know things like why is it a good picture, why does it work? Or, indeed, why doesn't it work, or how could it be improved? Try to answer such questions with your contribution.
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A little hot at bottom center. Other than that, It's a beautifully done capture of the moment. The spray & Irim light on the boy really make it come alive

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Love it! Reminds me so much of my childhood. On the content of this photo, I wonder how many actually knew that it is NOT water the boy is spatting? How many knew that it is rice wine (or similar) which is used to:
(1) heal the wounds from a recent cockfight
(2) numb the upper neck to head skin of the cock
(3) after the wine, the cock's neck/thigh is then applied with turmeric so it'll eventually turn into red skin
Click here: http://www.ganoi.com/cockfighting.html if interested...

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Rarindra achieves such sublime control of light, that his photos all have a painterly quality. Many of his photos are back-lit. It's a good lesson in lighting, IMHO. I really like the lighting in this one - a warm glow, perhaps from a gold reflector? I can only guess that Rarindra is very quick with setting up his lighting, because so many of his photos, like this one, contain a sense of spontaneity.

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Now this picture has meaning... Thank you Terrence. Moment and light are perfect... Light in front of his body is reflected form the ground? In this composition the 'spry' action seems to be the main subject... I would prefer the boy instead. Great shot...
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Nowhere near the best of Rarinda's ouvre, but a nice image, nonetheless. Like the earlier commenter mentioned, the image could be improved tremendously by either cropping out or toning down the hot bed below, but, hey, it is not my picture. Also, what is the child doing blowing water at a fowl's face, anyway?

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