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© 2005 Daniel Woodrum/TakeMyTrip.com

Hanging Lake, Glenwood Canyon, Colorado



© 2005 Daniel Woodrum/TakeMyTrip.com

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an incredibly beautiful place, hope I did it justice. your ratings

are appreciated, especially those that come with comments.

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interesting shot. my first thought was that i don't like the log being perfectly parallel with the edge of the photo, but the longer i look at it the more intriguing i find it. however, i'm still not sold. other than that, the colors are wonderful and the slightly long exposure is appealing, and well done, considering the bright light. as for the frame comment, it's really a matter of personal choice. the text is maybe a bit too strong, taking a bit away from the image itself. anyway, great work - i'm off to have a look at your gallery as i liked what i saw at a glance.
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as for the log, that's just where it was. i couldn't do anything about it. Pictures taken from an angle didn't offset the log enough-- in other words, it just looked crooked. and if i went too far to the side, the falls themselves didn't stand out properly, at least in my opinion.


the exposure: yes this was as slow as I could go with such bright light (and I used an ND4, which I think I forgot to mention in the technical info). It was just enough, although a little slower may have been even better.


as for the frames, i'm experimenting a bit, posting both framed and non-framed versions to see if the ratings change. i guess it's an instant turn-off to some people.


at any rate, i'm glad you were intrigued. thanks for stopping by and commenting.

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Been this place once and I know it is hard to take photos here even the place is great. You did good job on this one.
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