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Moon And Planet At Sunset


Hand held (I got lazy).

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The sky is very beautiful. The water surface has

too much texture, I think. The moon and the

planet are as bright as ordinary sunlit objects

so usual long exposure would over expose them.

You might wanna use GND or composite of two

pictures, one with this exposure and the other

with longer exposure.

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Thank you Hiro for your comment and hopefully you will respond back as I am not sure what you mean by too much texture in the water. Is it too grainy? Also wouldn't a longer exposure make the moon even more a blur than it is? This was 1/60th of a second and I believe that you can detect movement in the moon at slower than 1/125th speeds?
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What I meant by texture is the waves. I thought

it might be more interesting or nicer if you

expose this very long time, say nearly 30sec

and smooth out the water surface. In that way,

I suspect that the color of the sky would be

interestingly reflected on the water surface,

too. But of course, if you do that, you would

over expose the moon and the planet. That's why

I suggested GND or composite. The GND suggestion

was a mistake, as you noticed, because the motion

of the earth would be the problem. Sorry for the


At this magnification, I think it's ok with 1/15sec

so that the moon and the planet woudln't be

apparantly blurred. By the way, I just noticed

the ratings of this picture is very low! I don't

understand. Please don't be discouraged, John.

I really think this is a beautiful picture.

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Thank you for the clarification Hiro. I really hadn't looked at the waves as a disturbance, because this is a scene I return to shoot so frequently that it can become mundane. I wouldn't have pulled my camera out except for the presence of the moon and planet so soon after sunset and I was expecting so little from the shot that I didn't even bother to set up my tri-pod. Had I done that I would have tried some slower exposures. Thank you for reminding me to look at those things that arecommon for me as new to somebody else. I need to be more tuned to my possible audience.


I don't understand the ratings on this either. I much prefer to have one comment versus any number of ratings anyway, so thank you for your comment.



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Adjusted levels, 20% motion blur on water and played with curves.

I think this is a very attractive scene, John. It was a pleasure playing around with it - hope you don't mind. I just thought that Hiro was on to something and it was worth having a look at...


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Hi Pete, thanks for messing around with photo. I don't seem to have the eye/talent/technique to make a photo pleasing on Photo.net. Your version of the image pops. Whenever I try to alter my photos, I get hung up on the way it actually appeared and make poor decisions about changes.


Hope you've weathered your winter well. It is just about over, which makes me depressed because it means my winter is just about to start. Though I do like autumn for photography.


Thanks again. John.

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