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This is an experiment with controlled over exposure. No manipulation beyond cropping. $ light set up on white seamless background. @ background lights set @ full strength. 2 large soft boxes at 45's 3 feet from subject set at 3/4 strength. White reflector just in front of camera angles up. Flash meter read f32. Exposed at F8.

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This is an experiment with over-exposure. No post manipulation in PS has been done besides desaturation & cropping. Please tell me what you think. Yea or nay?


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if you can do this (almost)without PS manipulation than you're a heck of photographer!

Hat off... 7/6

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Hi Jayme Nice work.Would having the main light up a bit higher possibly eliminate the darkness under her eyes?
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Thank you.

Michael- I looked & I think it's wonderful!


Janet- I've been playing with this idea for some time. I love the old white on white black & whites of the 50's. I read an old article by a photographer that roughly gave me the lighting set up to use and then it explained the development process via regular film. Because I shot this in RAW, I was able to adjust the exposure again, much in the way one develops film, in the computer. Very, very interesting process & results! My goal is always to use as little PS as possible. I do love playing & creating with PS, but I also love playing with just the camera and light. I strive to reach a happy medium with both where in the end it creates an image that pleases me.


Shkumbin- Thank you!


Tina- You may be right about moving the light higher. I used 2 very large (47" AlienBees 1600ws) soft boxes. I aimed them at a 45 degree angle about 3 feet from Abigail. She was sitting on a stool. I also used a large white reflector (of which I have yet to get a real handle on) resting back on my camera tripod aimed up. Possibly moving the reflector might be the key too. I think the reflector helped to light her neck & brows, but she did have really distincted, cute sun freckles around her nose and eyes. I agree though the dark circles have to go, I will probably dodge them out carefully.


Mease- Thank you. As far as the tighter crop, can you show me what you have in mind. I always wrestle with the crop. I love the square format, but obviously my camera is not a square format.

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This one is my favorite of the set...just an intimate portrait with great catch lights in the eyes. You've already more than proven you are a great photographer and have an eye for capturing children at their finest. I don't think you should worry about using too much PS. I think of PS as an artist's medium that just enhances the photographs. It takes time, skill and creativity to use PS and gets results as you do. I consider you an artist first and a photographer second - no matter how much playing you do.
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I absolutely love the technique you have used. I like the style and of course your subject is adorable...even with circles...one of my daughter's has similar circles...sometimes i ps them sometimes I don't.
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oh, so wonderful portrait daer Jayme. and so sad girl :(

Tell her to smile more in her childhood :)


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Emily-Thank you for such a wonderful compliment. I always dreamed of being an artist! :) I took a few classes in college but never thought I was very talented. One time an instructor requested a conference. He proceded to inform me I was making the wrong career choice! :) Becoming a nurse, that is. Maybe I should have listened 25 years ago. But then I would not have all the wonderful memories of my patients in my head! I sure wish I had them in photos though. Back at you!


Kristin- thank you! Ditto your style too!


Warren- thank you!


Biliana- thank you! Abigail is a real character, my face hurt when we finished from laughing so much!:) Never a dull moment!

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Jayme, I looked at your series of this child and I have to admit this is my least favorite. I really like high key, however the effect here looks overly posterized...like blotchy losses of skin tones in areas of the face that I expect to see as vibrant and warm. I hope I'm not being offensive, it just looks odd to me. All else regarding the image is strong.
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Mark- what a boring world this would be if everyone thought & felt the same. The lighting technique I used to capture this is one of my evolving experiments. I purposely did not use PhotoShop to enhance or correct it. So obviously, I want opinions & critiques. Thanks for yours.
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Jayme, you are an artist,no doubt.What you have achieved with your light and exposure,without ps, also speaks volumes of your creativity as a photographer. Best wishes,Jayme. Keep perfecting your images.
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