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What's on TV tonight.....


ISO 100, 1.6 sec,f 4.5No Tripod

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Lief dat je af en toe langs wipt om te kijken of ik nog wat op PN kook. Ik ben wat afvallig de laatste tijd.

Fijn beeld, nichtje of dochter? De kleur is oke. Ik zelf zou het beeld iets zachter gemaakt hebben, meer een questie van smaak, meisje, dromerig, slapend. De glans op de lippen maakt wat ondeugend, net zo als het spagettibandje op haar schouder.


Oke dat was het weer, groetjes, Mike



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Dank je wel Peter. Na lang heen en weer geschuif in PS ben ik hier op blijven hangen. Is wel de meest rustgevende versie he? Groetjes en tot ziens, Ada:)
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good capture Ada! journalistic view of the girl at sleep with the magazine we can all indentify with...sharp thruout...and I prefer the original toning you chose
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Hi Cherlyn, nice to see you and yes, she was in sweet dreams and it was a shame to rouse her from her dreams. But alas.... sometimes you have to:(
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ik heb nu een 55+ kaart, iedereen staat voor me op in de bus en ze spreken me eindelijk met 'U' en met Mevrouw aan en er is geen bouwvakker meer die me nog nafluit. Eindelijk rust.... LOL
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Great work, Ada. I thought maybe it was the young duchess at first.


The original shows much more red, and you obviously needed to adjust that. I am not sure about the tone, but my skin is close to that color, and so it is okay by me. It is just such an unusual tone for most persons, and so I was wondering why you chose that particular color adjustment. I probably would have dropped the hue to 19 or even to 17--if done as a monochrome--but it is clearly a matter of taste. It does not look like a monochrome, however, since there is apparently more pink in the lips and the strap, and so I am wondering what color balance adjustments you did make.


Then again, there is the age of my monitor to consider. In any case, it is a great shot, and the tone, though perhaps somewhat more brown than might be realistic, works for me.


I'm still sitting here wondering if a slight desaturation might have been better than altering the color balance. I'll have to think about this one a bit more.



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Ada, here is the original desaturated by 48%. I think that it is okay, but perhaps there is a white balance problem, as Michael said. This is a tough one for me to figure out technically.



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Forgive me, Ada, since I know that photographic realism is rarely your concern. Here it is with the Cyan-Red slide adjusted ten units toward red, on top of the previous desaturation of 48%.

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First off, to me Flore is the one and only young duchess and I treat her like that, that's for sure!:)


Second, I appreciate your attempt to give the portrait of Flore a more healthy colour very much, Lannie. I honestly don't remember how many % I have done with this or that - LOL. I've used adjustment and saturation and I've played with it till I found this colour. I don't know why, but I like it. Matter of taste, like you already mentioned. And how the colour and brightness finally come over depends on the computerscreen. We have four screens here and all of them shows a complete different view qua colour and brightness. So it's difficult to please everybody:)


What concerns the original picture; I think I know what caused the red colour in it. The lightsource which shines on Flore is a lamp which hangs above our table and in the lamp there is a bulb which gives a soft and warm light. Here in Holland we call it 'flame'. It's a soft kind of a rose colour.


It's thanks to you Lannie that I noticed it and it's a good thing to remember for a next time. To make quiet sure I will turn an other bulb in it, a white and bright one:)


I always like to know everything Lannie, so perhaps it sound as a stupid question but I don't know exactly what you mean with the remark you made: 'Since I know that photographic realism is rarely your concern'. I don't know if it's important or not, but would you be so kind to explain to me what you mean by that, Lannie? If it's to difficult for you to translate it in Dutch, also Spanish is OK:~) Saludos, Ada:)


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Thanks, Ada. I mean that you are an artist above all else, and that you choose colors that please you, which are not always accurate colors--sepia is one classic example of a non-realistic hue, and I use it or variations all the time.


I actually like the colors you have come up with better than I like the somewhat more realistic colors than I came up with, and so perfect realism ("This is what I saw") does not always make the best photography, much less the best art.


This is great work, Ada. I was just playing with colors to see if I could figure out what happened to the color balance, and to try to figure out what the natural colors might have been.



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Thank you very much for the patience you have with me Lannie and for the time you took to explain things to me. But now it's fully clear to me what you meant to say. And you are right. If I was more skilful in PS I would prefer to make real paintings of my pictures. But alas. Perhaps I'll take a course. Good idea, don't you think?


Greetings, Ada:)



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No, Ada, you have shown us with many of your pictures what you can do with colors that go way beyond natural colors. Nature and artifice are counterpoised for a reason, and nature is not always better.



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Flore is such a lovely young girl! I really like what you decided to do with the color, leaving that hint of pink in the lips and the strap. Best of all, though, is the endearingly grimy little girl fingernails! A reminder that they do not stay young for long, eh? I suppose she is back to school now, and I hope she is enjoying her new teacher and classmates!


Groetjes, Lee

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I think the pink parts and particularly the value so added to the beautiful lips make the picture. Maybe, Ada, you should talk to Flore about Photonet. I had a similar problem; now I have stress and everything that goes with it.
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- Dear Lannie, you are a real sweetheart:)


- Hi Lee, great to see you! Yes, these fingernails...:)

'It's a nice portrait, mum, but it's a pity of her dirty fingernails'. That was my daughters first reaction when she saw this picture. But Flore had a great day, played outside the whole day long:) Yep, holidays are over now and Flore is back to school just like Emily, I suppose. She likes her new teacher and she has English lessons now. Very thrilling all the new stuff.


Como es su pronunciacion Espanola? Puede usted hacerse entendido para la Suramerica?:~) Saludos, Ada:)


- Dear Manolis, you're very kind. I'm glad you like the colours in this portrait. Concerns Flore, luckily she feels fine. I appreciate your worry, but there is absolutely no cause for concern. Maybe I need some explanation in regard to the advice you give me to talk with Flore about Photonet. I think I misunderstand what you exactly try to say to me. Greetings, Ada:)

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Que rico! La profesora es de Espana y siempre dice "grathias" o "Eth-tudiantes", pero mis companeros de clase y todo el estado de Texas tienen la pronunciacon "Tejano" - por supuesto! Quizas la profesora de la clase que empiece el viernes va a hablar mas como la gente aqui? Vamos a ver...
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Ada, sorry I was not clear. I have no concern for your lovely grand-daughter. What I was trying to say is that, before photonet, I used to sleep (like her) on the sofa while watching television. Photonet keeps me, now, awake and excited till very late. I sleep very little, too little, so little that I struggle during the day to keep my eyes open. I suggested that Flore could exchange the television for the Photonet (if she feels bored), but she probably is already a Photonet member. Equilibrated entertainment is advisable and there is nothing better than a good sleep, anywhere, at any time.
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