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APX100 developed in Rodinal. Unmanipulated uncropped print scan; unsharp mask in the gimp.

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Subject in the wild. There is not a category for unposed candids, so

I'm putting it in the most proximate one.

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Great shot and I agree it is difficult to catalogue candid shot but I like them and I like this one. Great light and composition and it does add a sinster air to the image. Question I use Agfa APX myself but for some reason the photos very soft, very little contrast. How did you do it?


Good caption.

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and for commenting, Marco. With regards to the contrast, I developed the APX100 for 13' in rodinal 1+50. Exposure was semiguessed; I had taken an ambient reading of the building a quarter of hour before, and had no time to meter the scene.


It's printed with an Fujinon 75mm f/5.6 EP enlarging lens, in 11x14in Agfa RC pearl paper (MC312), dichroic enlarger with filtration set to grade 3. There was no need for burning/dodging, it's a straight print of the negative. Dektol 1+2.


When printing, I did a test strip, checking for correct exposition of the important detailed highlights, which in this case correspond to the paper pasted to the column.


After the time for the correct exposure of highlights is determined, I varied the contrast filtration to see which print was better; I settled for grade 3, as having both the full negative information, and being the most pleasing aesthetically. I'll probably print it again, but in glossy fiber.


There is more detail in the shadows than this scan can show, as my scanner has lousy dmax.


I've seen some of your B&W pictures, and do not look soft; in fact, some of them look *very* contrasty. ("The conversation in the street", "Girl in Central Park!").



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Excellent lighting and contrast. In my opinion, I wonder if it would look better if you crop the right part out. Then again, the backpack is essential to the story.
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Very eye catching. I can imagine the print is so beautiful. My only comment is I would like to see slightly more detail in the backpack.



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leave the backpack alone people.. try to preserve the eye of an unitiated one.. all this nitpicking and tech talk is irrelevant (look at the camera he is using!) when the overall impression is so good..
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