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Wishful Thinking On a Hot Summer Afternoon


Canon 300D with EF 24-70mm f2.8L at 24mm - Exposure 1/250 at f10

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I'm with you, Larry - this 100 degree stuff has got to go. Beautiful winter shot - love the frost on the trees.
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Thank you Richard. Thank you M. Although I am a big big fan of using tripods I have to confess I hand held this shot.
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So sharp... damn... can I have your lenses? Please? ^_^ Man, I can only wish to be as good as you, dude!
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Thank you kind Sir. I have to admit I am quite fond of the lens I used to take this with. I will be willing to part with it though. Check back with me in about 30 years. :)
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:)One wish for winter in hot summer, then wish for sunny summer in winter. Sigh! Very beautiful colours, esp the blue sky.
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Things will look like this soon enough! It is a lovely photo, even if it makes me cold :)
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Thank you Ladies. It was so hot here the other day I pulled this up hoping it would make me feel cooler. It should because it was DAMN cold that morning. A beautiful day but you didn't want to take your gloves off for very long.


Last weekend I saw the a tree with a bit of color in its leaves and a bull elk that had rubbed the velvet off of his antlers. That means cooler weather isn't far off. Come February we will all be wishing it would warm up.

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Are you going to be able to try for some more elk photos this year? They're so pretty with velvet!
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You know its funny, my wife tells me I have way too many elk photos. To my way of thinking its not possible to have too many.


Its almost too late to take photos of the bulls with velvet. The ones that haven't rubbed it off yet will do it soon. I'll take a look at my archives. If I can find a decent velvet shot I will upload it.


I can hardly wait until the rut starts. Its not far away. Less than a month actually. By mid September the bulls will all start chasing after the girls. If fortune smiles on me I plan to record it.


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Somebody with a special elk tag brought a beautiful 6-point velvet rack in the other day (to our shop). Lucky you, to get to see the live ones! Maybe I'll go sit in my husband's tree stand with my camera one of these days. I'd love to see more of your elk photos...I never get tired of them.
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You just never can tell. I was within 15 feet of a mature bull elk up on the continental divide in RMNP last year. This guy knew I was there. I was taking pictures and he and kept on grazing. After about five minutes I left. Last time I saw him he was still standing there grazing. I have seen thousands of bull elk but I have never seen one as laid back as that guy was. I'll probably never see another that casual either.
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I'll bet you won't find one that casual in the hunted areas! (at least not a very old one!)
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