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Studio, Portra cross-processed

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This is one of very few attempts at cross-processing. I'd like some

general opinions of the image, as well as your thoughts on how

digital art is going to affect processes like this. Is the thrill

all gone?

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I love cross-processing. Do you have a website with cross-processed photos and what films were used? I would love to see more.
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no i do not think the thell is gon i like to do both digtal and old still work the thing with me is it is a lot cheeper to do things digtly i can do almost every thing on a computer that i can do in a dark room i can not wate till i can get rid of film it will inable me to do a lot more and spend less and using photoshop i have found that i can controle things more than in a dark room ie .. i can controle burnning and doging and mnplate them better on the computer that is inposble to do in a dark room i restore old photos for a living and i tell you what photoshop has let me do some that would have been inposble to do with dies or in sted of weeks i can do in a day i think film will allwas be around but as for me as soon as i can find what in my opinon i good digtal camera and the price comes down i am going to stop using film
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thank you for your coment on my apple photo i agree with you the higlights are too much this is an exaple of where digtal has not been able to do as i need when i shot this i meaterd it at 2.0 @ 60 but my lins only has 2.8 so i shot at 2.8 @ 60 (50mm lens) i under exposed the higlight but i was using ilferd b&w and i usly use tr-x 400 or fujy 400 coler so i never devloped it be for so i just folled the instutions on the box D76 1+0 @ 7:30 min and who ever mixed the cimcles mixed to strong ( i was using a schools dark room and i never used it be for hay the price is right free) so the netives are over devloped well i took it to where they have a neg scanner and i can not a just the highlights the way i wont them with out it looking fake and the scanner did not pick up a lot of detal that is on the neg and when i posed the photo a lot of detal in the shados was lost so to make this photo look as i wont it i will have to go in to a dark room and print it ( i usly just take my film to a photo stor where i bater for devloping and printing and i use a flat bed scanner and they would make cretions for me so all i had to do was tweek a little bit in photoshop they where good at getting my photos the way i wonted them but i moved to rodchester ny and there in VA) i as i sed be for i think digtal is going to be grate but now it has a lot of limtations so old fashen dark room work is still need to make up for where digtal falls short and digtal makes up where old fation tekneeks fall off i hope that with in the next few years all the equitment and soft where will get to the point (and price) where i can leave film behind but now at this time i can not by the way i am a photogapher no a writer ;->
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I don't think the fun is all gone with digital. It opens up all sorts of interesting opportunities to play with a new medium in ways that are somewhat analagous to cross processing color film. The closest analogy would purposely setting the white balance on the digital camera to the "wrong" setting.

Another way to play with the digital camera is shoot "infrared b&W" with a digital camera. (See the article in Shutterbug this month) The same creative spirit that led people to cross process will lead to even more exploration in the digital world.

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i dont think so. Ive never been able to recreate images i have which are crossed, by digitally manipulating a slide film. The look just isnt the same, also so much info is lost. I find digital can help with stuff that you cant do with cross procesing but would like to, like uniform pink skintones (ohhh how i'd like to get that on the film), and other color shifts. But film has so much life left in it, espesially for effects like cross processing and shooting sports in very low light.

I like the shot, the over all blue is really interesting, which film did you use??? check out my gallery for loads of shots taken on Kodak EPN which is my fav.

have fun and dabble with everything you can get your hands on.


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