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© for permission for using this picture please email: jpverbeke@gmail.com

"An Ocean of People at an Ocean of Water" version 2 The Maha Kumbh Mela in India Allahabad has...



© for permission for using this picture please email: jpverbeke@gmail.com

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"An Ocean of People at an Ocean odf Water"


Nearly 40 milj people gathered at the confluence of the Ganga and the

Yamuna in India for ritual bathing every 12 years.

Thios panorama has been assembled in Photoshop with 5 slides taken


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Now this is pretty unusual. Light not ideal, but fantastic scene.
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Light not ideal??? What comment is that? It's the light that was there at the time..! A fantastic photo! And excellent stiching! I would love to see a large print of this one.
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I am amazed at how the photographer made an assembly from such a dynamic scene. Unique moment in time, well deserved pow.
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This is a really stunning photograph. One question - Are the shadows in the center, and right edge going in different directions, or am I seing this wrong?
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Its a great shot. I have been to kumbh once and I am wondering how did you find the place to put up accessories to take this amazing shot. I will rate it as (10, 10)
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Hi,great photo. The lighting is fantastic and it really shows the sheer greatness of this largest pilgrimage ever. one of this scale won't happen again for another 144 years.

I was there too.

My works on the same topic can be found at http://www.offstone.com/kumbh


drop me an email at lance@offstone.com?we can talk about this common experience. Maybe we have met each other there.

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The photo is very good! It's amazing how you were able to capture so many people in one (okay, five) photo(s). Nice details in the pic!


To answer a question: The shadows are going into different directions because the camera was turned and this pictures consists of five different images.


I guess a frame would be very nice and make this strong picture even stronger.

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Of course the light of this mega-event is as it is, and I'm willing to accept the explanation that these 5 pictures could only have been taken at this moment of the day. Nothing to do about that. But what's bothering me is the total lack of any facial expression, although the people in the front row are rather close to the photographer/camera. Almost everybody's face is in partly or total darkness. This picture doesn't tell me anything at all apart from the fact that the event was visited by an awful lot of people. It stirs no emotions, nothing (with me). I'm sorry, for me it's just an unimpressive bad lighted composite of an impressive gathering of people.
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I agree with you, Rienk, but simply the mass of people is overwhelming so the picture has something, I think. Of course, there are many details in which the picture could be improved, but given the circumstances I think this picture is good! I'm not sure if it's a POW but it is good.
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