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Hard times


Kodak TX400@200, Crawley FX-2 developer. Unmanipulated print scan; unsharp mask in the gimp.

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First test with Crawley's FX-2 and Tri-x. There are banding artifacts

in the sky, because of the scanner used to process the print.

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This image has an austere, harsh character that suits the subject well. I like it as is; just for a lark I find myself wondering if the angle could be changed to separate the cloud mass from the tree; or with a red filter to really accentuate the sky.


Just my imagination running away with me. I like it as is--well done.


(Feedback on my work also appreciated.)

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Hadn't thought of the separation of clouds and tree; in fact, in retrospective, I did not explore the subject from different angles. Something to remember next time. I'm not used to static subjects :)


I did position myself in this place because of the light, which is the beginning of a sunset, and it's grazing the tree at a nice angle.


Photo was taken with an medium yellow filter; I think that an red filter would have given an over the top/unnatural dramatic effect.


This kind of subject is really the realm of medium format and up, but in this case the grittiness/acutance of the combo Tri-x/FX-2 helps.


I've curioused around your portfolio; there are some excellent pictures in there. More on the weekend, with time for a more detailed examination.

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Mmhh... they are not in the print, and do not look excessively so in my monitor (which is uncalibrated). I checked the negative projection in the easel with a gossen enlarger meter, and contrast range was normal between the clouds highlights and the tree shadow.

I don't really like the scan; not only there are banding artifacts in the sky, but the tabletop scanner has lousy dmax, and there is no detail in the shadows, when it exists in the real print.


Here's a scan of a small part of the negative, without curves adjustment.

Crop of an 13x enlargement

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Santiago, I like the wildness of the photograph.

The cloud as the bush seem to be on the same wave lenght. cheers Jana

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