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© images by the artist cannot be used in anyway without the artists permission

'Tucked Away'



© images by the artist cannot be used in anyway without the artists permission

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For those of you who know me know the work that I do with the

homeless in London and although this city maybe paved with gold for

some, for many it is not.

by 2012 London would have spent over a billion pounds putting

together the Olympic games to show to the world what a magnificent

capital city it is and just as Beijing did it will use a lot of

social make over, hiding out the parts it wishes the outside world

not to see.

I see more and more zero tolerance attitude tactics applied by the

metropolitan police force and hear more and more cases of police

brutality often with the heavy use of violence against not only

beggars but also against those with serious vulnerabilities

including the mentally ill and those with disabilities and learning


Around 10 years ago I witnessed two young policemen kicking an old

Scotsman who's only crime was that he was sleeping in a shop doorway

(it was the middle of winter) when I insisted that they sopped their

behaviour ot that otherwise I would make a complaint against them

they turned their aggression on me.

How could they do this? 'Easy' just after they had beaten me, to

arrest me and charge me with police assault and resisting arrest!

I have had many run ins with the police since some with similar

results although now I have made good connections with the higher

hierarchy there and although I get to do my work with less hassles I

can still feel the resentment from the few who seem to hate the


'Where am I going with this you may ask', Well if the current trend

to remove them (the homeless) from sight continues the homeless will

literally go underground just as they did in Moscow and in due

process become just as dangerous. It?s as simple as this, if society

continues to keep treating people like animals sooner or later they

will start to behave like them!

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With the light coming from the front, you gave the perfect speed to attain the silhouettes, light and shadows with an excellent contrast.


And there is another contrast between those two people. Excellent shot, Hugh.

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And solitare is the only game in town... how sad and moving. Congrats for your great job and kind heart, God bless you!
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