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© copyright C. Carron

For Sale

colin carron


© copyright C. Carron

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This is cool. Great shot, I have no clue how you made it. But although it is such a run down place, it just looks so damn cool that I want to buy it :))
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I really like this shot, Colin; it takes me to my childhood - I could not operate that pump fast enough to get water to come out, all I ever got was hearing the water drain back into the well. Thanks for posting. Regards.
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Colin, although it's a charming place, I hope you won't be tempted to buy it. We fell for a cottage in Wales years ago and it brought a load of stress and battles with the powers that be (ie the planning and conservation people) I can't believe there are still places like this on the market, and I bet it's going for a snip at around a quarter million. The wires are appropriate I think as it emphasizes the time warp. As for the Saab, it is prominent but it works a bit like the 'X marks the spot - you are here' on tourist maps. It makes you feel like you're standing next to it viewing the cottage. Did you manage to get any shots through the window? I see there are signs the outdoor loo is occupied, and I reckon the visitor has left his horse parked around the back.

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Richard, I never had the pleasure of trying to use a pump like that for real. Doesn't sound that much fun as a part of daily life!


Hanna, a cottage in Wales? It all sounds idyllic but if things went pear-shaped with the local powers that be I can imagine it would rapidly become a nightmare! The windows were not too clean so looking inside was a problem and I did not investigate the loo at all :-)


Hans, I have no idea what this place would be worth on the open market. It was quite remote (for this part of England). I reckon it would just be demolished and a new place built. It would then need electricity and water to be provided....

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water only when it rains (hot in summer, cold in winter) and electricity during thunderstorms... I had in mind the extreme housemakeover programs so popular now on dutch tv.. sol! excellent photo by the by. in my next uploads I will brighten things a bit more up as you suggested, when needed of course.


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They have those programs in UK too. This would be a major challenge. :-) Looking forward to your next shots.
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This is wonderful, Colin. I keep going around in my head about the corrugated shed on the right, but I can see the virtues of including it.


I hope that you took a lot of pictures of this one. The lighting and time of day are perfect on this one, but I would like to see more angles of it.



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wadda ya say, you, me and Walter stay over for a few days. you can photograph the house some more, walter can do the landscape from the house, and i'll take pics of the two of you taking pics . . .
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manolis, I don't think even PN could talk this one up.


Lannie, thanks, I was really surprised when I came across this place as it a rare survival. For how long I don't know. I took several shots as the weather was good, snow melting from the ground and nice clouds.


The rusty iron shed thing is, I think, a WW2 Anderson air raid shelter. They were designed to be buried in a pit and covered in earth. They proved to be horribly damp and cold and most people ended up risking bombs than sleeping in them. They do make good garden sheds though!


Walter, rather you than me!


Ben, not a chance. My son was looking at the shot and i asked him how he liked the place. He said he thought it looked bug ridden and you would not catch him going anywhere near it. I tend to agree with him!

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The title caused a broad smile, Colin, though the picture can well be for sale. It's beautifully done and you caught the "mansion" with such a threatening sky. Better it is sold before the storm adds its final touch.
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Colin, this is a charming fixer-upper. Are you planning on moving the family out to the country? You will need a new thatched roof for starters. It has beautiful lighting, and a handy water pump, what more does one need on the cold, damp nights in Essex. Love it, Sondra
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Amusing. Is there a horseshoe? You need it if you should enter through this door. And perhaps you need in your new Saab too, if you buy one of those made in the US.


Very nice picture. Kind regards.

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Looks like a haunted house @daylight (perhaps a nice stage for the BBC ? or Hollywood ??). Because I never saw a haunted house with phone cables, I would clone them out :-)
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I was going to say that the sky couldn't be a recent one! :-) The lighting here is just perfect, and I find myself wondering if the rusty object in the right-hand foreground was something that you also photographed in it's own right(?). I'm glad that you included the other, informative shot in your explanations. It's fabulous that there are shacks like this sitting around the rural areas for photographers to stumble upon and have fun with!! :-) Warm regards!
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Beautiful composition Colin, I love the earthy colors, and the detail is outstanding! That lens seems to be working well for you. 7/6
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Thanks everyone!


Paula, Lou Ann - this was taken back in th winter and represents our only snow of the year so I went out looking for snowy things and found this!


Sondra, glad you have such good memories of our English weather :-)


Jan Olof, no horseshoe I could see.


Carsten, no ghosts either - it felt completely neglected.

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