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For more information please check my website http://photography.screamtabu.com, thank you!

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The colors really compliment one another on this one - the Red and Yellow hues. The contrast is excellent and composition is great.
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una foto mas que bonita bien visto la composicion las flores en diagonal primer plano con detalle y la iluminacion es sensacional por toda la foto y buenos los balance del color. Saludos cordiales.
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Fernando,, veo en esta imagen,, primero. un bello encuadre. color y composicion Perfectos.

Segundo, me llama la atencion,, ese contraluz tan bien de color y al mismo tiempo la luz de las florecillas amarillas del primer plano,, no se tienen un toque de flhas,, o lo haces con el PS. enhorabuena por tan excelente trabajo. Como no mequedan sietes, no te la rateo,, un cordial saludo.


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I'm new to this site but already I recognize your images, they're faultless; color and composition are wonderful.
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The only improvement I can think of is to shoot the scene on a large format camera, and to "post" a big enlargement in an exhibition, but that applies to most of your images. Perhaps you should invest in a large format camera, and learn how to use it. Clearly, you have the "eye", and you could make a lot of money photographing dramatic landscapes.


If you used image processing software, you would need a different approach in large format silver. Lee Filters (www.leefilters.com) make a huge range of filters for this sort of work.


Keep it up.

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Thank to all for the nicefeedback!


Antonio, I think someday I will have a Large Format, nowadays Im squeezing my poor S2, really thank you for the nice words and advice 8^)


Best, Rafael



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Somebody suggested a meeting... could not be delayed. Colours must be present with the objective to choose... the colour of the new day. This somebody is called moment. For witness of so solemn decision a man named Ferrando. Ferrando has arrived and made the habitual photo of the great meetings... one very beautiful and... great photo. Congratulations.
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Guest Guest


Sorry, only 7/7 because it's not possible to rate higher... One of the most beautiful landscape shot I've ever seen! WOW! Such colors!!!
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