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The Drummer and the Desert Dancer


I used either My Rebel G or Ae-1. I shot with Kodak 400CN.

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Thanks Alec. I have not had the pleasure to meet this individual although I have heard of him. By the way, I just happened to change the image a bit as you were leaving the comment and rating...not a drastic difference just a tweak or so.
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Guest Guest


Excellent effect! Is this two pictures pasted together? Otherwise, what shutter speed did you use? The drummer looks serene, and appears in excellent detail. I like this shot a lot
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Thank you Katie and E. E these are two different images. I dragged the left image on to the right image. I used the gradient tool to merge the images - hence the blending of the dancer's skirt into the clothing of the drummer.


Now with respect to the shutter speed etc. I couldn't tell you re: the dancer although suffice it say I added blur in PS. The drummer - I could look up what the original shutter speed was, but I added some extra to his hand to enhance the sense of movement.



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Guest Guest


OK, thanks for the info. I'm generally not a big fan of PS effects, but I think this is very well done and you have created a very nice contrast of calm and motion here. Nice work!



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E, when I first joined PN, I used to use to want to limit my use of PS effects i.e. levels adjustments. As time progressed and rather quickly, I got over that, especially seeing all the work one can do with it. Nevertheless, I respect your thoughts on it and appreciate that you still like the image. Incidentally, Paula Grenside is one of those individuals who has inspired me in recent months to learn more about PS techniques to enhance my images.


Paula thanks for your comments on the image.

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Interesting experiment Amar, hard for me to explain why, but I'm not completely connected to that composition,the left hs. in particular.I came to see it several times. I like the drammer though. Pnina
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Thanks Pnina and Michal. I can see why the left side might leave one empty or wanting. It's hard to determine what it is. I think that was the reaction when I first posted the image up alone last year. The drummer does however provide the comfort zone because he is more tangible to make out. The strength I think of the desert dancer is the festival of colours and lights as Michal found in it.


Thank you both for visiting and recording your impressions.

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Hi Amar:


It seems to me that the scene is a little unbalanced because the dancer's circular 360-degree swirl is self-contained -- and as a result there is very little visual connection between dancer and drummer. I tried to resolve this with a tighter crop. See what you think.... --jim

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Beautiful expression of movement. I know this is a composite image but to me it is like an environmental portrait. The dancer (background) is enhancing the portrait of the drummer.


I also like how the round swirl of the dancer and the shape of the drum balance each other.

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Amar, yesterday I took that one out and croped it, Jim I'm uploading it as I have croped it nearly like you...

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Thanks Jim, Cathy and Pnina for your insightful comments and edits.


Jim, I think your point is very well taken. I think your crop brings the two images closer together. I particularly like that you kept the hand at 6 o'oclock. That said, one of the things I like about the left side of the dancer is the sparkly bits of the dress which I do miss in your edit. And in comes Pnina to save the day...I think her crop is a good meeting point in between my original and your edit. It's still tighter than mine but includes a bit of the left side which I wanted to retain. Thank you both for your splendid edits and thoughtfulness.


Cathy, I think your characterization is apt. I think given that the drummer is more prominent and discernible the dancer forms a colourful background. An interesting switch because in a performance the drummer accompanies the dancer not the other way around.

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I think Jim's point is valid - for me the two images do not connect enough but still make an arresting image to puzzle over!
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Amar, glade you liked it, I think that it leaves all the ellements you have combined, but composition has more ballance. Pnina
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