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© pgaluszewski



AE1 50mm f1.8 SCKodak TriX, Rodinal 1:50 printed on Ilford warmoteon pearl (Dektol)


© pgaluszewski

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I don't know which category this belongs in - it was taken in a

coffee shop, not posed at all - I can't believe that myself when I

look at the picture! (I asked the girl's guardian for permission of

course) - so its kind of street/children/portrait.

I was going for that vintage grain look - the scanner seems to

really kill all depth in these photos...

As always, any and all comments welcome and very much appreciated!

Thanks for looking!

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Your right the scan is not very good. Didi you use a film scanner or a flatbed. The photo itself is nice 5/5 based on the poor scan
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Unfortunately the flatbed is all I have at my disposal...it really kills any nuances and makes the grain look horrible... Thanks for looking!
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Peter, This is a wonderful shot minus the technologies imperfections (scanner). The expression on the young girls face is priceless. Thank you for sharing. Kristin
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Thank you for the kind words - I do appreciate them! And thanks for looking past the "technology" - I know its limiting, but I reallywanted to share this image!
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Peter, very nice shoot! Too bad the destructive results of the scan weren't corrected first in PS however, I think we can all see throught the process issues (color noise included).
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Couldn't stand it, had to see what your picture might look like prior to the degradation of the scanner. Now I can appreciate a 6/5 and the subject deserves a 7/7 for charm and presentation.

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Thanks, Dave. I like what you did. I am a very strictly traditional film guy, so I just scan 'em in, and hope people comment. But you're right - for the purpose of web presentation, I should remember to take a few steps before I even scan, since I don't have any photo-processing software and a very rudimentary scanner. What I think I will have to remember is:


a) the warmtone paper this was printed on scans into some kind of putrid, puke colour!(too bad so much people shooting I do goes onto this paper - it looks great "person" for this kind of subject)

b) its a pearl finish, and that seems to really confuse the scanner too...

c) without your magic touch, this looks like an 8x10 print from Delta 3200 shot at 3200, not a 5x7 print from Trix at box speed! The loss of shadow detail alone is appalling...


And finally, it was not hard to catch a little magic with this kid - she is not only cute as a button, but very outgoing definitely full of her very own personality! Give her ten years and there will be a trail of broken hearts, I just know it! As such, I almost feel like a cheat for taking any credit for this - she really did all the work just by being herself!

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i like this, but your gain is not realy good, your focal i thingh ?


us a no speed film (100/200 ASA maxi 400) and double or triple your diaphragm speed, the Kodak film Tmax 100 can be used in 1600 ASA

developing in new mode (ex;if you use film 125 ASA, shoot in 400 ASA dev in 400 ASA,no in 125 ASA)

use braketing for exposure level, if more closed your photo are more black and grain is more detached (separate).


but composition and model is realy interesting !!

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Thank you, Razvan!


Jean Louis - I like TriX. I like Grain. This photo loses about half its tonality in scanning, as it is scanned from print, and the print is on warm tone paper, which seems to compound the problem. As I said above, for web display the version re-worked by the kind gentleman above is probably more apt.

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