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Portacloy Bay, Ross Port


1/15 sec at f16 lens set at 28mm

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I got back from Mayo at the end of last month. I've already booked up

to go back for two weeks next year. Would you say "Big mistake. You'd

be better off on a photo course", or "Top plan. Got room for me and

my camera?"


Have a look at this and any other photies from Mayo. I'd appreciate a

comment or rating.


1/1 = "big mistake" >5/>5 = "top plan"


Thanks a lot, Phil Morris

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Hi Steve. That nasty looking stuff is pure honest to goodness water. The discolouration is in the stream bed and caused I believe by ore and mineral deposits carried by the water. The scene is of a blue flag (ie environmentally outstanding) stretch of coastline.
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Yes, to the concerned environmentalist, the discoloured water may look like acid mine drainage, but in reality, all the water running from the bogs of Ireland is that colour (actually still quite low pH).


Your whole collection is great Phil - makes me wistful for the west of Ireland. Only query is - how in #$%$# did you manage to get so many photographs of fine weather in Mayo. Any time I have been there it rained all the time.

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Got room for me and my camera!? Maybe a trip like that could be a photography course for ME!! :-) Again, nice work!
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The first portfolio I've come across where I've actually wanted to rate and comment on every picture. I do believe you'll soon be sick of seeing my name, Phil. :)


I like this picture. I like the little stream that makes it's way through the rocks. I love how the bed of rocks turns into a little cove, turns into the sea turns into the sky. I like the boat out there, it doesn't make or break the picture, but it does add the effect of size and immensness. I also quite like the froth of the sea in the right hand corner, wjhere the water meets the rocks. It's as if the tide has just broken, yet the water looks so smooth.


I don't like the huge shadow that is amassing over the land mass, that comes very close to ruining the image for me. I'd love to see this shot again without the shadow.


My either pet peeve is...*sigh* the frame. And I was so happy when I saw the stark contrast to Dougs frames, here.

This reminds me of some frames A.P uses. Expansive on the top and bottom, and nothing on the sides (or vice versa). It just seems to dwarf the image so much.


You all seem to like them so muchg, perhaps I need to go read Dougs directions, and try them on my images. We shall see.

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