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Sunset on Mt Rainier


This photo was taken hand-held (I didn't bring my tripod because it's heavy!) during a camping trip over New Year's Eve of 1999-2000.

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That's an intriguing splash of pink light. I don't understand how it got there, but it sure constrasts nicely with the rest of the picture.
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The sun was about 5 seconds from setting and its light was filtered through lots of clouds. What was left of the light was shining on the mountain.
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Nice shot. I really like the cold colors with the splash of pink. The foreground doesn't do much for me though. I would have tightened up the composition so the 'splash of pink' is more prominent since this is what makes the picture jump out at me.
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I'd agree with Greg. It's nice, but the composition doesn't really do it for me. I think the splash of light doesn't really create a focal point, and this winds up being an image without one.


When last I was at Rainier, I couldn't see the mountain at all so the light is particularly remarkable in that respect.

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I agree w/ Scott - I don't really see a focal point and I'm left wondering why you included the bright spot of light. I think the pic would be better w/out it.
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Somewhat reminiscent of Art Wolfe's work (esp "Pacific Northwest, land of light and water"). Wonderful colours in a great natural setting. Very nice.
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