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Lana - Overexposed.


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Nude and Erotic

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Great pose, very beatiful model. The b&w resulted very well. I Agree with Mondiani. The back is too much lighten.
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I just can't refrain from voicing my opinion as a woman. Here goes, it is not meant to offend.


1st: Her mottled skin makes her look very cold, poor thing, she must be, leaning there naked.


2nd: I find her body positioning makes me uncomfortable. The left arm & hand seems unnaturally placed.


3rd:I find the jewlery a little too big for her & not necessary.


4th: The blown out back is distracting.


5th: The shaggy, stringy hair cut and her extremely thin, cachexic look remind me of a crack addict. However, the poodle cut pubic hair and the breast implants suggest she may not be, but just wants to look like one.


All in all I think this is not a flattering image of the woman. But it does sit at the top of the TRP. Of course as Brian says, ratings have nothing to do with how good an image is. Hummmm.... he must be right. I will refrain from rating.

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I feel your comments warrant a response.


1. It was actually a very hot day in the studio and everybody was pretty warm in fact.


2. This was a candid shot in natural daylight and she just looked particularly beautiful, she was not really posing.


3. It's her own jewelry that she is wearing and I agree she may look better without it although I do not not even remember her wearing it at the time.


4. I agree it would be better without the blown out background but it was against a window with strong backlighting from the hot sunshine.


5. I can assure you Lana is not a crack addict but a well balanced intelligent and professional model who is also rather proficient with Photoshop, maybe she could do a much better job than me with this image. The backlighting makes her look thinner than she is although there is nothing wrong with being naturally slim. Her hair or anything was not styled as I say this shot was quite candid.


What concerns me is that you seem to perceive her as some kind of victim which could not be further from the truth. It's just a very simple shot in which this woman looks beautiful. You say "I just can't refrain from voicing my opinion as a woman" which suggests that from a woman's viewpoint this is not an attractive image; does that mean that it may be attractive from a man's perspective? Is there something that you object to about that? Maybe you think she is pandering to men's tastes with her look, maybe you are right.

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Great photo, maybe you could burn her back in a little but otherwise great. Kind of Helmut Newton in a way. Thats a good thing.
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I meant no disrespect. I just tire of seeing woman, naked or clothed that are such cliches'. I feel it has come to a point that images such as this have become over rated and may be dangerous. You say she is "naturally" thin. Humm.... I doubt that. She probably works at it every day. I think that both men & woman are to blame for this silly, idealistic caricature of the female body. Real woman have lots of curves & breasts that aren't quite so perky. Just like real men don't have a gigantic penis & bulging muscles.


Why should we allow ourselves to be subjected to a continuous barrage of this malarkey. I honestly feel it is poisoning our young girls minds and creating unrealistic expectations of our young men upon our young woman. I believe in health, but not sacrificing it for what others have told me are beautiful. Sorry, but I not only find her unhealthy looking but, I don't think this image is flattering or particularly well done. I feel sure she is much better looking in person. I ask, "Why should someone, young and obviously attractive, feel the need for breast implants?" Could it be she has been made to feel she needed them by images such as these that supposedly portray "real" woman?


I am for woman's lib, always have been. Heck, in fact I was part of the original movement, way back in the 60's. I've always believed & been taught as a woman, I can do anything men can do, better :) Just kidding, we're equal! Nudity does not offend me. What offends me is that an image such as yours is believed to be of a "normal", beautiful, healthy female body and thus if the "normal" female doesn't have a body like this, they are not beautiful. I say, we all need to stop dreaming and enjoy reality. Normal woman don't wear a size 2. Normal women have less than perky breasts (of course unless they're 12), this illusion is a figment of some plastic surgeon's & some sleazy Hollywood director's imagination. Sorry, I don't buy it!


Let me ask you a question. If 90% of all images we saw of naked men portrayed them as having huge muscles and a large, perky penis, do you not think that this might be less than healthy to the males viewing them? Would they consider themselves less than adequate if they were not so adequately endowed? Would they not consider taking steroids to gain muscle, oops, but then their penis would shrink. (not funny, because this is happening to our young men) I guess they could always get an implant, but then it wouldn't operate without air and a rubber bulb to pump it up. (Not too attractive)


I like to think, eventually, woman are going to wise up and stop buying into this illusion. Or...... woman are going to start demanding we photograph only naked, muscular, well endowed men. Oh well.... maybe they do!


I want to see normal, natural beauty. You know what they say, "It's not nice to fool mother nature!". I would venture to guess, as a nurse, I've seen thousands of naked bodies. Men & woman. So one could say I am sort of an expert on naked bodies. I am not easily shocked. But I feel as a sort of expert on naked bodies, what we see on the screen & in photographs in magazines is NOT normal, nor is it reality. Illusions & fantasy, that's all. Am I asking for too much?


One other observation, sometimes I stand like this when I have to urinate and my husband is hogging the bathroom. :)

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Oh and I feel compelled to add, at age 50 & after bearing 2 children, when I stand like this, my breasts nearly touch my knees, being deflected only by a few of my belly roles. Admittedly, it's not a pretty sight! But it's real & it's all mine! My hair looks much worse too! The only thing I'm missing is the jewelry! Maybe that would help?? Heading for my jewelry box! :)
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Miles, I like the high key effect. I think you have some excellent photos in your portfolio, but I do find this model looking uncomfortable and displeased. Maybe since you know her, you see more. (Of course, getting alternative opinions is why we post, is it not?)



Jayme, thanks for your comments, I think they are needed on photo.net. Photographs of nude females seem to get a 1 or 2 point rating bump on this site, but, also, what can you say when most of these photos have only 6 or 7 ratings? You just need that many people to rate it highly initially and it will be at the top.

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There are plenty of women in the world that look like this. And why not photograph them. Just because you feel this is not the average woman, should they not be photographed? What I think people need to explain when they post an image is why did I take this photo? Was it only for the model? For fun? For a website? An Ad? To me this has an advertising feel to it. And to me, it works!
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Jay- I defy you to find a real woman with real breasts that look like this, especially when she's leaning like this. You're dreaming, it's just not happening, of course unless they're 12 and that would be known as pornography, not photography! Or... they're fake. How'd they do that?
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I think this has become more about the model than about the photo. Though I agree the subject (person, item, etc) of any photo is why the photo is likely created. In this particular case, it has become what feels like a discussion in regard to how a woman should look. Whether she has had body work done or not, does it really matter? Okay her breasts are perky, the point (pardon the pun)? What I really find interesting and even more than the photo, is how this is doing exactly what art should do, "provoke us into a discussion and create communication." For that, I'd say this photo rates "excellent"! -AB
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this is a great photo. I might be wrong, but I think it was Sir Edmund Hillary who said, "...because it is there." Photos ask to be taken. We, as photographers, can refuse that call if we like, but then we inhibit our own passion and deny the world a chance to see themselves through our eyes - a rare opportunity and gift, to say the least. Or....it's just a great shot. Keep shootin'!
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