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© pgaluszewski

Silhouette of a Sea Fury


Lubitel TLR, Ilford FP4+ (Rodinal 1:50)AGFA multigrade reg tone gloss (Dektol)


© pgaluszewski

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Well, I am not at all knowledgeable about such vehicles, and even though I find the idea here of such a silhouette of this plane taken from precisely this angle to be really, really excellent, nonetheless something makes me long for those missing apexes of the folds in the wings. Sorry for that complicated sentence. I wonder what others think about this.
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Louise, you are absolutely right - I had a hard time framing this photo just right because of other objects coming into the frame - in retrospective, they may have been less intrusinve than the crop as is. Thanks for the input.
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Nice concept Peter but maybe you should try cropping the bottom to eliminate the fence and other aircraft because those are a real composition killer. If the bottom edge were the trailing edge of the tailplane, you'd still have a little white space to define the bottom of the wing and you could add purity to the composition. Airplane buffs would be irritated that you chopped the wheels off but this pic isn't for them.


I also agree with Louise, no need to amputate the wing folds here.


Bravo on your choice of camera and film, by the way. Nothing better than a classic for shooting a classic.


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Again, thanks - you have gone through all my aviation related pictures it seems, and now I can't wait to get out there again and try to put some of your suggestions to work! Thank you! Regarding the composition... you are looking at artistic purity (Ha!) being compromised by the eye of an absolute airplane fanatic. I wish they could put these airplanes somewhere that would allow a more clear background, though...
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That is a tension that I feel also! I have found it useful to try to separate my artistic photos from my airplane-fanatic photos by deciding explicitly which type of photo I'm taking. The ones I have posted to photo.net are pretty much all attempts at being artistic, and I've taken liberties to cut parts off or whatever serves the composition. But the vast bulk of my photos are of the airplane-buff kind, where I'm just looking for a clean, uncluttered and flattering portrait. Those are not necessarily any easier to take, as you know! Anyway, your pics and our exchange of comments has inspired me to post a B&W version of a pic from one of my own visits to Hamilton; hope you like it.


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this photo interests me not on a purly photographic level but for something entirely different. i would be interested to know if this sea fury was an airworthy example of the breed or if it was just for ground display as it is very unusual in having only a four blade prop. it is the first time i have ever seen a sea fury with this arangement as the aircraft was designed with five blades to soak up the power from the bristol centarus supercharged engine. the only reason i could find in any litrature as to the fitting of less blades is if the supercharger had been removed to increase the lifespan of the engine and the coresponding drop in engine performance would mean that it would no longer be able to turn five efficiantly. ps i love the p51d shot in this folder. was it named ? best regards martin. feel free to pop over and have a peek at some of my spit shots . ta ta...
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