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I am so glad this made the front page to bring it back to everyones attention. Beautiful and timeless portrait.
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Did you misname the picture? My wife is Catholic and the first thing that appeared in my mind is 'Maria'. So classical.


Love the red and the expression.


Brilliant photo.


While I agree that everyone needs to figure out the light and pieces. Sometimes its nice to get some detail to just see what other people do, not always to copy but to let the mind absorb it and take it in.


Good night from New Zealand.

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Simply, I can say that everything is perfect. I like so much the touch oh misticism in the model's glance and the use of the hands.


My ratings are 7/7

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I loved this picture last year, and I think it is my favorite of any portrait. One question though, why is this picture different from the one of her on your website? I like this one better.



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and so old school! I hope that isn't an insult. I think it is a compliment... It reminds me of the beautiful portaits I would see of my mother and her friends from the 40's. They always looked so beautiful and the lighting was very similar as well as color.

It is spectacular.


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So beautiful, words cannot fully describe the perfection of the photograph and the woman.

I try but can never quite achieve this.


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Sufyan, I saw this portrait on the front page this morning and was stunned by its beauty. Thank you for sharing all of the technical info. Someone wrote that you shouldn't have included that because if someone doesn't already know what you've done to accomplish this, then telling them wouldn't really help them. I think that providing detailed info helps people to understand not only the amount of work and thought you've put into a portrait, but maybe to better understand how various forms of lighting could help them in their own photography. Studio lighting is beyond me right now, but your info gave me plenty to think about if I choose to go that route. Thanks for sharing!



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Yes, I agree with the lot on the beauty of this photo. As much as it impresses me, I am even more impressed with you. I personally don't believe that one can achieve this level of work without a true passion for the art. The combination of your skill and passion shine through. Add to that the fact that you seem to have reached the level of Master Photographer without the super ego that so often accompanies it and you truly are someone to be admired. So I will leave you with a simple Thank You, for creating and displaying such fine art, and for handing down your knowledge to all of us so that we may grow and our passions can thrive.



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