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© Baldur Birgis

"To Parents with Love"



Shutter speed: 1/125. Aperture: f/8. Time of day: About 20.00.


© Baldur Birgis

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"To Parents with Love" My last church / photo for a while.



My wife is sitting on the bench with the cemetery around the church.

She was thinking of her parents which are buried there. God bless them.

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A masterpiece! Not only the image is outstanding and fabulous but also the message on it. A shot to remember... Congrats for your terrific style and regards.
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Me too love this style. The timing for the clouds is great and the composition is almost perfect. Regards.
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Baldur, the wide angle distortion is very compatible here, as it looks that the church is leaning in order to touch the sky, and the sky opened to recieve it...fit as well to your message. Pnina
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Armindo, Kurt and Pnina, for your visit and thoughts. Glad you think so. This church is one of two in a small town close to Reykjavik. The other church can be viewed as "Fly away ?" Last year I have been thinking of capture this church with my parents in law in mind. Sometimes I feel nearness which I try to explain in some of my images. Best regards,



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I agree with Pnina's view - good use of the ulra-wide perspective. The church reaches upwards to the sky.
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I totally agree with Pnina's view. Exp love the intense deep blue. I love your church seris, by the way.
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Cherlyn, many thanks for your visit and comment.

I am building up a church serie for an exhibition, early next year. I really want this church to be there. This is my best shot of it so far. I have thought to go more far from it and use the 50 or 85 mm. Then we will have a much different angle. However, I am happy with the image. Regards, Baldur

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Hello Baldur: Are you taking advantage of the short nights to get in 14 or 15 hours of photography a day? Well, neither am I. See that you're still working with the F1 and and your FD14mm. I'm of two minds about using the lens here. On one hand, the distortion creates a powerful upward thrust directing the eye heavenward where a dramatic sky completes the scene. I think had this been an overcast day, the 14mm would not have been nearly so successful. One the other hand, the extreme distortion certainly gives the church a precarious slant. In the end, I'll vote with the consensus -- a great job and very worthy of inclusion in your next exhibition. Thanks for your many kind comments, it's great to be "in touch" again. --jim P.S.: Love the portrait. You're looking younger every day! Is it that new anti-aging cream I see being advertised in U.S. television?
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Hello Jim, sorry for my late answer. I was glad when I noticed you where back on PN again. I am glad you like the image. Thank you too for your kind and helpful comments which I appreciate very much. It is helpful for me to know what people think about the church serie. About my young look: I think it is the Icelandic fish and lamb !! As you said, great to be in "touch" again. Best regards my friend, Baldur
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nice and artistic...

(been absent from PN for a while, now I am back again my friend)



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I always love your images. This one does not disappoint! I just spent some time in Denmark, and the churches there were similar to some that I've seen in your portfolio. IT's an exciting sky, and the plain white walls of the church lead the eye quite nicely to the clouds in the sky.
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Aj Kadash, thank you for your visit and comment.

I am glad you like it. My feeling for this image is following: The church/faith is like a connection between two worlds, my wife on the bench to the right and the sky with the clouds like wings of angels.

Regards, Baldur

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