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Golden summer day


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Very simply beautiful. I love the red of the flowers against the monochrome tones of the sky. And the desaturated greens of the leaves and stems. Very very nice. The overall movement and composition is excellent.
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I guess my comment is too late. Beautiful! It reminds me of Georgia O' Keefe. I like it better than some of hers!!


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Este superba, contrastul dintre rosul sangeriu al macilor si cerul maroniu este pur si simplu perfect, parca sunt cusuti de mana....extraordinara pictura

In afara de ce-i aici unde mai pot vedea ceva de-al tau, daca nu te superi?

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This is wonderful ! I'm curious, have you manipulated the image (the colours) ? It looks really great and the perspective is also good. Cheers ! Hek
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I'm late in coming to this image, but I like it very much. I have taken lots of pictures of poppies, but this one is special. The camera angle, the grouping of the poppies, and the dramatic sky create a very unique perspective and image. It really is stunning.
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