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shot early morning using a dedicated flash.

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Imagine waking up at 4am and swimming into 54deg water. that is what we did for this

one. Please ignore the vignetting, It is Canon's so called professional services fault. They

put my lens shade on sideways. Any way, I would love some feedback. David

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It's the green room!! This is a beautiful image David. I can understand and appreciate what it took to get this POV. I would have liked to have seen your surfer in a little better focus, but a great shot none the less. Keep em' coming. -Mathew-
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Very interesting optical effect you have here.. (A surfcam?) Anyway, it makes for an interesting photo. Love how the sea engulfs the whole area.
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David, from what I have learned surf photography is all about being in the right place at the right time. Obviously form your portfolio you have this down pat. this is just another superb shot. i particularly like how the lip looks like a sheet of ice telling me as a viewer how cold it really was. as if the 5/4 full suit didnt do it already. also the sun peeking in. vignetting smignetting....7/7
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