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Gooood Morning America!


Exposure was 15 seconds at f22. Lee 2 stop hard grad filter. Gitzo 1325/Acratech ball head. Adjusted in Ektaspace using Photoshop CS.
For World Class Archival Chromira Prints please visit my website at Yarmouth Lane Photography

Copyright 2005 WJTatulinski, Yarmouth Lane Photography

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Okay kids, I'm interested in cropping suggestions on this one. Thanks

for looking.

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The heck with the crop - it's fine. I wanna know how the hell you metered this? It's got everything, even with the grad on. Is your fat cat finder one with a meter? I'd be interested to hear if you have some time and wouldn't mind giving some details. Very nice Walter.
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Gorgeous sunrise and very interesting cloud formation.

Good idea to make the larger view so easily available, and very much worth the click. The larger view gets rid of the jpeg artifacts in the clouds.

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Thank you all for the visits; the feedback is most welcome.

Bryan: Good to hear from you again my friend. The Fat Cat has the AE metering finder. With it in manual, I took a spot reading off the second rock in the foreground and gave it another 3/4 stop of juice. I moved the Lee filter into position afterwards. But the trick was really when I scanned this. I did a preliminary scan and workup but felt the dynamic range was not quite what I wanted. So, I made two scans from the same chrome, one for the sky and one for the foreground. Regards.

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Walter, I tried cropping this photo several different ways. They were okay but, not an improvement over what you posted. Lovely image. Cheers, Sondra
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I agree Walter, why crop? This photo is good as is. The rocks are well positioned. The sky is interesting with layered pattern. If forced to crop to fit a certain format, I would crop the sky as the foreground exposure and textures are superb. By the way...this is very well metered photograph.
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No cropping is necessary, I like the foregroung details. On the other side this beatiful shot can be cropped in many ways with different feelings. Can easily adapt to an horizontal cropping or even a more tight vertical cropping. I would love to have a shot like this to play with.

Viewing it larger is of course better, but I stopped uploading a larger version because it penalize too much the standard view compressed by PN. ... and most of the viewer do not bother to enlarge it anyway.

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Walter, I played around with cropping and had no luck improving this. I thought I could crop the top a little, but it made this seem unbalanced. I really like the sky and foreground rocks/ground, though the lighting is a bit unnatural. Also, the dark areas in the middle of this have pretty much turned to a blob of black. I understand, given the dynamic range of the scene, there's not much you could have done about that. Overall, this is a dramatic landscape--nice shot.
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Bob, I tend to agree about the blobiness in the middle ground; I'm not happy with that part either. The chrome itself is very good but I am having a hard time scanning this one. I think I will rescan it as a single scan and trust the firmware of the DSMP.

For those interested, here is a HORIZONTAL composition. Regards.

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this one not the horizontal - I would take a very small strip off the left side to move the first large rock from the center over to the left.....but I may be completely wrong about that....oh, by the way, excellent photo.
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Walter, I think this image is just great but you asked and so here is an option to crop. Looked a little cold there.

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I wouldn't crop as the stratified clouds are appealing, the foreground is terrific, the whole composition, a pleasure for the eyes and spirit.
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Any direction you crop will remove important elements of the composition. I like the bit of grass on the left, so want that to stay. I like the smaller rocks in the foreground (under the big rock), so I want the bottom in the composition, plus the grass would go again with a crop here. Top has those marvelous clouds, so it stays. The right side needs to be in the shot as the clouds in the center need to stretch as far as possible so the bright spot of the sun isn't cut off, imo. So no cropping.
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I love this image as it is. But, if you're still interested in a crop suggestion some 2 years later, here is mine. Just a little off the left (but, leaving some of the grass) and a little of the bottom (so your eye is cast upwards a little more). For a 4x5 final aspect ration. Mind you, this is just the opinion of a rank amateur.

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